Saturday, January 10, 2009


I want a refund for 2008.

It sucked.

For the majority of the year I was on someone else's schedule or was doing their bullshit flunky work. Aside from having a girlfriend who popped anti-psychotic medications like candy ("I'm on triple-dose Prozac" as she once told me), it was a year of getting cock-blocked yet again. My motto for 2009 is going to be "More Fun, Less B.S." although I suspect that I have developed a mild allergy to alcohol since both X-mas eve and New Year's I had difficulty breathing after having a bottle of wine and half a bottle of champagne. I know that as people become older that their body chemistry changes, and if this is indeed not a fluke then I think I'm screwed. While I'm not a big boozer I do love having an occasional bottle to take the edge off.

If any good came out of 2008 it's that I was able to remain in Germany yet another year. I have no desire to return to America for the simple fact that the Republicans have created a bigger mess than what Clinton left them, and with Obama becoming the next US President here this month, he will open the door for more minorities to White-bash while lowering the standards for them socially to assimilate. Think I'm full of shit? At the end of 4 years if I'm right, buy me a drink of my choice and if you're a female, a beej would be nice.

Anycase, here's hoping that 2009 isn't that much of a douche-bag year that 2008 was.



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