Friday, August 21, 2020

Monster Mike

 Monster Mike! Drinks lots of Monster! Monster Mike!

Monster Mike is a dude I know from working my time at the commissary. He was an SP when he was active duty, but is laid back in the most Owen Wilson sort of way - something that you would not expect from someone who had to hand out traffic citations or arrest people for DUIs. Perhaps the fact that he's no longer in uniform is what makes him that way.

He had to leave Germany in 2017, due to his father's health. Monster Mike returned to Florida, where his dad was at, in order to do the right thing. Before all this happened, he separated from his wife, an Italian hairdresser. He had hinted that she was up to no good, but never went into full detail; all I know is that she remained in Germany, cutting hair at the barber shop on base. They have 2 daughters together.

While he was back in the States, he would show occasional updates on his Facebook page - simple stuff like photos at the beach, or at a restaurant, but otherwise nothing personal. I don't think he mentioned to anyone that he would be returning to Germany, but sure enough, I bumped in to him today at the commissary. He's back again, and still working as a cashier.

Most people I know who leave Germany always say "I'll be back again some day" - Randy especially, but they never do return. They either get comfortable in the States, or everyday life as we know it, prevents them from realizing that goal. Monster Mike is the only person who has made good on that promise, due to the fact that his daughters still live over here. It's good to see a friendly, familiar face.


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