Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Fasching is an interesting event that the Germans like to celebrate every year. It is their version of Mardi Gras, only they do it in sub-fucking-freezing temperature weather. They put on silly costumes and get shit-faced just like we do in the States, only instead of doing it in a shit-hole swamp of a state that was ravaged by two hurricanes and a shit-for-brains mayor, they do it in a shit-hole country that was ruined by two world wars and a shit-for-brains dictator.

Ah, but let's not go there....

Anycase tomorrow starts the first day of Fasching - Altweiberfastnacht - where a bunch of drunk and horny women take over city hall and pretty much grab a guy on the spot and jump his bones if they like what they see. If some dude is wearing a neck tie, that's an open invitation that he's fair game, otherwise there's a drunk bitch cat fight on your hands - not that such a thing isn't entertaining to watch - just stay away from the flying beer bottles, pub glasses, or anything else they can get their hands on.

So I figure I need to go buy a tie and see if this story is true or not. Koln is where this whole thing supposively kicks off although Wittlich is another place to go experience the magic. I just need to make sure that dude don't look like a lady if it rings true.



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