15 Years in Germany
Holy shit. Today marks the 15 year mark of my arrival in Germany. I had no fucking idea that I would stay here for this long. This is the longest that I've stayed anywhere!
So, I suppose that by staying this long in the Ramstein / KMC area, that this makes me officially a local. A local, but NOT a native - note the difference. I've seen so many people come and go, and a few of them pass. I suppose this makes me a semi-permanent fixture.
That's not to say that Ramstein isn't without its share of problems or frustrations; the never-ending construction on the A6 has become tired and absurd. The fucking Germans never finish a job, it seems, and they never plan these things out entirely, it seems. Parking and pretty much everything else in this country, is an afterthought. Despite the fact that we're living in the 21st Century, the Old World mentality of inefficiency still seems to prevail.
When I arrived here in 2005, this blog was still going strong. I had just left Korea, and had my heart crushed by Melanie Milhorn - a coworker, and a pupil of sorts. Unrequited love can be a motherfucker, or as Green Day once said "I've got to know if you're the one who got away, even if it was never meant to be", and that sums it up all too well. I flew out to McChord AFB in 2011 to see her, in order to get some form of closure, although it wasn't very effective. She's been married twice now, with 2 daughters - one from each relationship. She couldn't care less either way. It is something that still haunts me to this day, but only in my dreams.
My best friend Randy and my South Side Shoppette acquaintance Hyland have been the most memorable of people to have lived here, and for reasons that have already been discussed. One thing Hyland mentioned at one time - perhaps back in 2015, was that even he noticed that the KMC was no longer a fun place to be; like the fun had been sucked dry. I think it's partially due to that eyesore - that crass cathedral to commercialism - the KMC Mall. Americans are mall zombies, who thrive on convenience, and because Germany is the diametric opposite, they flock to that place as a safe-haven, until they can return back home at such a later time. It's really sad and disgusting, but Americans don't care to know any better.
The biggest change I've seen here is when Angela Merkel let all those goddamned Fluchtlingens in to Germany back in 2015. These motherfuckers came to Germany ONLY because Germany is super liberal when it comes to giving out free unemployment money, and still feel guilty about their Nazi past. Nevermind the fact that there were all these other oil-rich,wealthy Arab nations that could've provided them refuge, they all made a bee-line to Deutschland. Ever since then, there have been mass sexual assaults, repeated violence and murder, and the desecration of churches all throughout Europe - Notre Dame cathedral especially. As I've said many times throughout the years, iron and clay do not mix. Islam is incompatible with Western civilization, but the Europeans would rather be in denial about centuries of historical proof. Saudi Arabia can house over 1 million people indefinitely at Mecca, where they have tent cities with electricity, AC, and indoor plumbing. Send them back to where they belong - at least I can claim ancestral rights by remaining here.
How long will I remain here? Only time will tell - I hope to remain indefinitely, but with aging family members and continued employment here looking uncertain, I may have to return to the US by default, eventually. It's something that I am not looking forward to, especially with all the crazy bullshit I see going on in the US - race riots fueled by the bat-shit crazy Left, and the lack of action by the average citizen, shows me that America is on the verge of breaking. Another civil war seems inevitable. I don't trust people, and the average American resembles some white trash juggalo or dronked-out ghetto thug, than anyone of character or civility. The day I return to the US permanently will be the day that I lament. I'll be a fish out of water, to say the least. The first thing I will do is stock up on home and personal defense items.
On a closing note, nobody reads blogs anymore, and this blog is a remnant of 2005, when blogs were at their peak; their hey-day. Blogs were rendered useless overnight, when Twitter came on the scene - glorified text messaging - which killed this community, and otherwise art-form. Twitter, another form of convenience and instant gratification, lead the way for the rise of Instragram, and now Tik-Tok. Blogging is a forgotten part of social media, but one that I still enjoy. I will continue to update my blog for as long as Google allows it to remain open. Bloggers such as Betty Minx, Crazy Girl Jen, Misty Botchery, and The Bunny (Erin Tyler), shared some of the most enjoyable content for its time. I've never made any money off my content, although I've received the occasional nude photo from a fan or two (thanks ladies - you know who you are - rest assured, they will NEVER be shared with the public). Blogging was great while it lasted.
Here's to another 15 years.
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