Sunday, March 20, 2005

Why I hate Hip Hop

For the last 8+ months, I've had to deal with the assholes and retards that inhabit this chunk of backwater known as Kunsan Korea. Aside from the ridiculous rules that have been thrown on us all, we have to live with one another in the barracks - dorm style buildings that resemble more of a walk-in morgue than someone's actual living quarters. Perhaps that's too harsh - perhaps prison block would be better descriptive - but that's not the point I'm trying to make.

The asshole that lives directly above me in the barracks is a black guy in his 30's that I have to work with at the day job. While him and I get along for the most part, it's his goddamned rap music I have issues with, especially when it comes blaring through my ceiling at 3:30 in the goddamned morning on a work night. While I've confronted him countless times about turning his shit down (along with most everyone else), this fuck-wit just fails to grasp the concept that not everybody appreciates his taste in music.

I hate hip-hop because it's unimaginative and annoying as fuck. Instead of requiring some real talent to perform, some sawed-off street thug is handed a microphone and mutters something unintelligible to a looping beat in the background. Usually it's about some stupid about growing up in the hood, or how much he hates Whitey, but for whatever reason it catches like wildfire and next thing you know, every person of "ethnic" background and wanna-be wigger can be heard blasting this shit within a 500 yard radius easy. If not in the barracks, it's in their car, or even worse at stores like Best Buy or Circuit City.

Just like that annoying raver music, hip-hop can be formulated down to a simple series of repeated sounds. Include samples from a previously known-song from 10-15 years ago, an obnoxious bass stereo beat, and a liberal use of the "n" word. Give a shout-out to your "peeps" and tell them to continue "the fight", and then stand around and wait to get promoted on the Dave Chappelle Show. It's that simple. Number 1 material for the idiot mainstream masses to consume, while real talent continues to go unappreciated. What's even worse is this breeds more wanna-be's thinking they'll be the next "big" thing with a #1 hit, and the way the music industry has been going, chances are they will be, and all thanks to the idiot DJ spinning this guy's record.

Ultimately it's the fault of the DJ - if he didn't play this shitty crunk music at night clubs and other social gatherings, we wouldn't have assholes running around in their "bling" and trying to "shizzle" their "nizzle". We wouldn't have every fat kid and white girl faking the funk and trying to be something they're not. I say put the DJ out of business and there's 90% of your solution right there. It happened to Heavy Metal back in the 80's and it can happen to Hip-Hop today as well. Then maybe I'll finally get a good night's sleep.


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