Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

So, another Valentine's Day. A day which reminds me of failed romances. Melanie. Fat Julie. Donna.

Today is the kinda day where all guys around the world should grab their girls and go ATM on them. Yes, Ass-To-Mouth. She bought your love, but you paid for it. With your soul.

To quote the late Peter Steele "The dream is dead". In two days, Charlotte will be 5 years old...something which should've never happened. Melanie could honestly care less about her little girl, and is completely undeserving. I should've been the father. The loser sperm donor who impregnated her already has a kid from a previous relationship, and has been neglecting his own son.

Amazing I know this stuff, huh Melonaise?

I know you read this blog from time to time.

I heart you. Not.



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