Thursday, October 08, 2015

Re-elect Angela Merkel

Re-elect Angela Merkel. She's the best chancellor Islam has ever had.

I am being completely sarcastic when I say this, of course.

She has irrevocably ruined Germany and mainland Europe by allowing all these Muslim "refugees" into the EU. Countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait can easily handle this situation, and are both culturally, religiously, and economically better equipped for such an undertaking.

For the longest time, I admired Angela Merkel, especially when she proclaimed "Multi-Culti has failed". That statement alone gave me the impression she had some modicum of common sense. After this fiasco, not so much. She could find the cure for cancer, AIDS, and reverse-aging tomorrow, for all I care, and I still would have lost all respect for her. That's how bad it is.

I hope the German people vote her out, and soon. Impeach her, and then send all these"refugees" back to their point of origin. I want to live in EUROPE. I DON'T want to live in EURABIA.


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