Monday, August 30, 2021

(Not so) Sweet Sixteen

Today marks my 16 year mark in Germany. I arrived 30 Aug 2005, just as Hurricane Katrina was hitting New Orleans. Today, Hurricane Ida commemorates the anniversary, in its own special way.

I never anticipated that I would stay this long in Deutschland. I consider myself to be a local in my own special way, but not a native. There is a difference. I've taken it upon myself to learn the language, respect the customs and to obey the laws. That's all I ask any foreigner to any country to do, anywhere that they go. Assimilate. Seems like this is a simple task that so many people refuse to do. Even the Americans on Ramstein don't go out of their way at times to be better guests. I'm fed up with the bullshit that goes on with the air base, however I rely on its system a little too much to really voice my grievances here. It is inflexible, myopic, clumsy, and worst of all, unforgiving. They know they've got everyone by the balls, and they know that you'll continue to take their shit with a smile, and most of all, they couldn't care less how it impacts someone individually. Some fucking great deal, right?

Who knows how much longer I'll be here. I don't know - none of us know how long they will be at any location. Politics, family emergencies, or other unforeseen circumstances can have me turn around and relocate at the drop of a hat's notice. I've made sure to savor every moment here, both good and bad. In the end, it's quality, not quantity that counts.


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