Sunday, April 24, 2022

Build Back Better Season 2


I hate it when I'm fucking right. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to post this meme, however I held on to it for the off-chance that I was going to need it. Looks like my gut-reaction is on the money yet again.

This year has continued to be a colossal shit-storm to the likes that we haven't seen. Runaway inflation with food costs, gasoline, and now this stupid war in Ukraine. Congress approved of a $14 Billion aid package to help them fight the Ruskies, and then just the other week, Creepy Joe approved an additional $1.3 Billion aid on top of that. America is now fighting a de facto proxy war, whether we like it or not. Hey Joe, why not ask the Taliban really nicely if they can send all those weapons you abandoned in Afghanistan last year, to the Ukrainians, instead of putting the American tax-payer deeper into debt? Americans can barely afford to pay their bills as it is, and you're going to pull this shit. If this is what Kid Sniffer Joe meant by "Build Back Better", then he can go suck his own dick.

Make no mistake about it, this is all part of the Great Reset. Klaus Schwab and his Davos goons are pushing this New World Order bullshit on us all, but the average person couldn't care less. So long as people are preoccupied with race-baiting, mask-erbaiting (aka COVID), porn, video games, and their favorite sports team, they will continue to be mindlessly unaware. Our politicians know this, and have for years. It's why they're able to push this agenda, while the Normies continue to remain asleep at the wheel. Just continue to keep 'em distracted. 

Now Biden is saying that there will definitely be significant food shortages by the Fall time of this year. It's not like they're even trying to hide this shit anymore. There are already empty shelves at the grocery store, and the food that is available costs an arm and a leg. For example, I've seen my favorite Honey BBQ chicken jump from $4.50 a bag, now to $10.00 a bag, just in the past 15 months. While I love eating Honey BBQ chicken, I don't love it that much. While I understand that food that is ready to eat is always higher priced, this is absolutely fucking absurd. I'll pass and eat the low-end shitty generic hot dogs that are made from the leftover chicken and pig, and even those are going up in price too.

I didn't sign up for this shit. I keep saying this, and at this point, even people like me can no longer stay on the sidelines. I've said that before as well, but I can't emphasize this point enough. With any luck, the mid-term elections will bring a reverse of some of this, but I'm not going to bet anything. Republicans are just the less-retarded version of Democrats at this point, and never get anything done. 81 million voters are this fucking stupid, and this is the shining example of it all. Like I keep saying, Americans are only concerned about 3 things - the 3 W's: Who's fucking who, Who's going to the play-offs, and Who called who the N word. It's pathetic, it's disgusting, and completely preventable, only if  We the People told the media and politicians to go fuck themselves, but that will never happen.

It's only going to continue to get worse.


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