I didn't sign up for this shit
For the longest time I've been at odds with mainstream society, the military, and the Judeo-Christian community. It's no secret - just go on back to my original posts from 2005 to 2009, and you will see it all.
Having said that, I am starting to wonder if perhaps I've been too quick to criticize or otherwise throw stones at these segments of our culture?
The crazy bat-shit semantics of the Left have me concerned - Antifa, BLM, the LGBT community, and the Cancel Culture crowd have all proven that they will go to no end to push their agenda, and to essentially take no prisoners. They are vicious, ruthless, and believe that the only truth is power, and that power is to be gained and held by any means necessary.
Now the Left is pushing this crap on kids. Drag Queen story time has been a thing for year, but when a story teller exposes himself (yes, it's still a him) to a bunch of youngsters, that's not fucking cool. He should be brought up on child abuse charges, and labeled as a sex offender, plain and simple.
Commercials are now going beyond woke to where Twix commercials have some boy running around in a dress - I've seen something similar for the Segmueller commercials on You Tube here in Germany. A Doritos commercial involves the ghost of a dead uncle, whose spirit on Dias de la Muertos reveals that he's now gay in the afterlife, and he's found a boyfriend. What the serious fuck?
What I find concerning the most is that Nickelodeon has drag queen programming aimed towards 3 - 5 year olds. Why do children at that age need to be exposed to such content? There's clearly an agenda going on, and it's unacceptable. That Desmond is Amazing kid is proof that American society has gone past the point of no return. When it is ever acceptable to have a kid dress up like that, and then have him go to a gay bar, where these men give him dollars to dance on stage? This shit is depraved and wrong as hell.
I didn't sign up for this shit. I'm all about personal freedoms and liberty, but this is some serious Days of Noah shit that makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like the county fair. I can't in good conscience ride the fence, or otherwise stay on the sidelines when it comes to this crap. It exceeds even my limits of being a pervy freak. This is an extreme that I've never seen before.
Voting with your wallet and purchasing home brands/off brands is one way to go about it, but what are other ways to push back? Live in a red state? Voting Republican? Those are perhaps some solutions, however this is something far larger, far more ominous. Conservatives have been largely asleep at the wheel, either doing their own thing, or not saying anything out of fear of being labeled as "bigot" or being insensitive. The Left have perfected the art of bullying over the past 30 years, and this is what we're seeing today.
Like I said, this is deeply concerning to me. It's become a interesting day when the enemy of my enemy is now looking more and more like a friend - I consider the Christian community to be a de facto ally of sorts, despite being at odds with them for so long. While I'll never most likely go to church again, I will cast my lot with this former adversary if and when the time comes. Even that thief next to Jesus on the cross knew right was right, and wrong was wrong, no matter how you cut it.
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