5 Years Time
Well this blog is officially 5 years old as of this month. Wow. Little did I realize that something I started just as a minor hobby has been a concurrent part of my life - for better or for worse. I can't say that much has changed in the 5 years I've kept this journal, aside from the fact it had to go into remission when Uncle Sam started cracking down on people within the DoD keeping blogs - now it doesn't really seem to matter. So long as I'm not giving away any trade secrets, I can talk about having a gang-bang bukkake with the midget amputee who lives down the street while her nympho college-aged daughter is giving me a reach-around, and it's all good. Rock.
One thing I find myself returning back to is alcohol. Wine, beer, Jack Daniels, vodka, Jaegermeister. It's all good. It takes the edge off after a day of having to deal with fuck-wits and assholes, and the beauty in it all is that it's a quick and cheap thrill. I don't get shit-faced - just enough to take the edge off and sleep well. Perhaps working 7 days a week is starting to get to me after all. There was a time in my life when I prided myself for being sober however now that I'm a year shy of 40 perhaps I need to rethink my priorities. Have more fun.
And goddammit, 2010 is starting to feel alot like 2008 in my life - an over all shitty year if you've read up on my past entries. I don't need a repeat of that year however if this trend of bad luck continues then perhaps I will need to parlay with the Man Downstairs, as much as I'd rather not. Still when the going gets tough, I'm willing to negotiate for the right price.
One thing I find myself returning back to is alcohol. Wine, beer, Jack Daniels, vodka, Jaegermeister. It's all good. It takes the edge off after a day of having to deal with fuck-wits and assholes, and the beauty in it all is that it's a quick and cheap thrill. I don't get shit-faced - just enough to take the edge off and sleep well. Perhaps working 7 days a week is starting to get to me after all. There was a time in my life when I prided myself for being sober however now that I'm a year shy of 40 perhaps I need to rethink my priorities. Have more fun.
And goddammit, 2010 is starting to feel alot like 2008 in my life - an over all shitty year if you've read up on my past entries. I don't need a repeat of that year however if this trend of bad luck continues then perhaps I will need to parlay with the Man Downstairs, as much as I'd rather not. Still when the going gets tough, I'm willing to negotiate for the right price.

Love it!
aww...i'm still here for you sweetie...have some jack for me:)
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