The Niedersachsen Crop Circle Part 2
I decided yesterday to drive back up to Niedersachsen to see the two new crop circle formations that popped up. The drive up was practically fucking murder since the rainstorm from Hell decided to start pouring down as I was making my way through Hessen. My GPS took me through a back route and not the original route I took Monday, which proved to be equally frustrating since some stupid woman who couldn't drive for shit decided to do 50 km on the back roads and wouldn't allow anyone to pass her. I was stuck at some stupid traffic light because of her for 10 minutes which could've been completely avoided had she simply continued driving the split second the light went from green to yellow but instead slammed on the brakes and fucked things up for me and the dude behind her (and people wonder why it is that road rage happens all the time). What should've taken 3 1/2 hours ended up more like being 5 hours after all was said and done. And for that matter, DO NOT buy the Garmin Nuvi GPS - it is a total piece of shit and will have you taking turns where there are no roads and make you take the long way around an otherwise straight-shot on the autobahn. Fuck those assholes for making such a shitty product. But I digress.
Anycase, I drove first to see the crop circle in Wolbrechthausen since it was closer to the original crop circle in Baterode - and alot more elaborate. Needless to say, I make it there and the field had already been harvested by the farmer - any indications that a crop circle existed were now gone, since all there was left now was just a cut area. I looked around to make sure I wasn't looking in the wrong direction, but none of the other areas matched the photo from Crop Circle Connector.
So without wasting anytime, I headed over to the formation at Burg Plesse. I parked my car and these two dudes walking their dogs confirmed that the circle was indeed here, only it was inaccessible from the ground where we were currently at. They told me that I could get a great view from the tower at the castle, and gave me directions how to get from there. Ironically enough these two hot chicks were walking by when this happened but gave the three of us uneasy looks as they passed by. I wanted to ask them if they knew of the crop circle (and more importantly if either of them were open to the idea of having sex with a total stranger inside it), but they took off before I could get the chance to ask. Dammit.
I made my way up to the castle, but the tower had been closed off. My German is good enough to decipher most of what is written and said but the sign posted on the tower door said something about being closed for the rest of the summer for some reason I couldn't make out. Argh! What a fucking disappointment!
So I ended up making my way back down to the crop circle, and decided to take these photos:
Click to enlarge

As you can see from these 3 photos, the crop circle was indeed accessible, but only the farmer who owned the field didn't want anyone to tresspass and posted this sign:
Click to enlarge

It basically says that they don't go driving through your garden, so don't be obnoxious and go prancing around like some asshole through their field, and that any trespassers caught would be turned over to the Polizei. Any photos to be taken should be taken from the tower. Since I take great offense to people who don't do as they're kindly asked, I wasn't about to go into the formation myself and be that ugly douchebag American that we're notorious for behaving like when we're visiting abroad. With any luck the dudes walking their dogs were probably the family of the farmers just checking up on the thing for all I know.
I did get the impression that because this formation had been made recently, that its power was still active, unlike the one located at Barterode. Once again, I got the impression that this was made by spirits and not by UFOs possibly, taking into account stories of "Faerie Circles" or "Faerie Rings" from ancient Celtic mythology, it seems to make sense. I also got the impression that this was made as a means of cheer, and not a warning of impending doom or a divine message of sorts the way alot of people are interpreting the circles in England at the current moment.
I decided to drive around Goettingen for a while before heading home, getting stuck in 2 staus along the way. I don't know what it is about the A7 and the A4 but they really need to finish whatever work it is they're doing since they're really taking a long time and putting everyone in a foul mood. I arrived home exhausted and but slept like shit on account that my neighbor had a some machinery going for the new drive way he was installing first thing in the morning. Jeezus Fucking Christ you assholes.
And speaking of asses, when I did wake up, my ass was hurting once again, but not from something I ate like the other day. I didn't have to take a dump so what the hell could it be? I touched my hairy ass and felt that it was different so how...smooth in some places and still rough in the others. WTF? I ran to my bathroom and looked in the mirror AND THERE WAS A FUCKING CROP CIRCLE FORMATION ON MY ASS!
(Ha ha - Just kidding!)
I decided yesterday to drive back up to Niedersachsen to see the two new crop circle formations that popped up. The drive up was practically fucking murder since the rainstorm from Hell decided to start pouring down as I was making my way through Hessen. My GPS took me through a back route and not the original route I took Monday, which proved to be equally frustrating since some stupid woman who couldn't drive for shit decided to do 50 km on the back roads and wouldn't allow anyone to pass her. I was stuck at some stupid traffic light because of her for 10 minutes which could've been completely avoided had she simply continued driving the split second the light went from green to yellow but instead slammed on the brakes and fucked things up for me and the dude behind her (and people wonder why it is that road rage happens all the time). What should've taken 3 1/2 hours ended up more like being 5 hours after all was said and done. And for that matter, DO NOT buy the Garmin Nuvi GPS - it is a total piece of shit and will have you taking turns where there are no roads and make you take the long way around an otherwise straight-shot on the autobahn. Fuck those assholes for making such a shitty product. But I digress.
Anycase, I drove first to see the crop circle in Wolbrechthausen since it was closer to the original crop circle in Baterode - and alot more elaborate. Needless to say, I make it there and the field had already been harvested by the farmer - any indications that a crop circle existed were now gone, since all there was left now was just a cut area. I looked around to make sure I wasn't looking in the wrong direction, but none of the other areas matched the photo from Crop Circle Connector.
So without wasting anytime, I headed over to the formation at Burg Plesse. I parked my car and these two dudes walking their dogs confirmed that the circle was indeed here, only it was inaccessible from the ground where we were currently at. They told me that I could get a great view from the tower at the castle, and gave me directions how to get from there. Ironically enough these two hot chicks were walking by when this happened but gave the three of us uneasy looks as they passed by. I wanted to ask them if they knew of the crop circle (and more importantly if either of them were open to the idea of having sex with a total stranger inside it), but they took off before I could get the chance to ask. Dammit.
I made my way up to the castle, but the tower had been closed off. My German is good enough to decipher most of what is written and said but the sign posted on the tower door said something about being closed for the rest of the summer for some reason I couldn't make out. Argh! What a fucking disappointment!
So I ended up making my way back down to the crop circle, and decided to take these photos:
Click to enlarge

As you can see from these 3 photos, the crop circle was indeed accessible, but only the farmer who owned the field didn't want anyone to tresspass and posted this sign:
Click to enlarge

It basically says that they don't go driving through your garden, so don't be obnoxious and go prancing around like some asshole through their field, and that any trespassers caught would be turned over to the Polizei. Any photos to be taken should be taken from the tower. Since I take great offense to people who don't do as they're kindly asked, I wasn't about to go into the formation myself and be that ugly douchebag American that we're notorious for behaving like when we're visiting abroad. With any luck the dudes walking their dogs were probably the family of the farmers just checking up on the thing for all I know.
I did get the impression that because this formation had been made recently, that its power was still active, unlike the one located at Barterode. Once again, I got the impression that this was made by spirits and not by UFOs possibly, taking into account stories of "Faerie Circles" or "Faerie Rings" from ancient Celtic mythology, it seems to make sense. I also got the impression that this was made as a means of cheer, and not a warning of impending doom or a divine message of sorts the way alot of people are interpreting the circles in England at the current moment.
I decided to drive around Goettingen for a while before heading home, getting stuck in 2 staus along the way. I don't know what it is about the A7 and the A4 but they really need to finish whatever work it is they're doing since they're really taking a long time and putting everyone in a foul mood. I arrived home exhausted and but slept like shit on account that my neighbor had a some machinery going for the new drive way he was installing first thing in the morning. Jeezus Fucking Christ you assholes.
And speaking of asses, when I did wake up, my ass was hurting once again, but not from something I ate like the other day. I didn't have to take a dump so what the hell could it be? I touched my hairy ass and felt that it was different so how...smooth in some places and still rough in the others. WTF? I ran to my bathroom and looked in the mirror AND THERE WAS A FUCKING CROP CIRCLE FORMATION ON MY ASS!
(Ha ha - Just kidding!)

LMFAO!!! you had me rolling with the ass circle!! great!
that would be a great should do
Hmmm... that would be cool!
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