Saturday, April 29, 2023

I Just Can't Be Happy Today

What was once a catchy tune by the British Punk band The Damned, has now become my mantra.

Every. Little. Thing. Pisses. Me. Off.

Commercials on You Tube, driving in traffic, assholes on bicycles, shopping for groceries, having to interact with customers, people talking, ambient noises, and so many more things than I can list here, but these are what tops my list. Screaming kids, noisy animals, people driving by with their goddamned ghetto music blasting. The shit is irritating.

The world is supposed to collapse any day now. Between Muh Russia, Muh China, cryptocurrency scandals and bank scandals, just hurry up and get the shit over with already. I've missed my marks in life time and again, my milestones reached too little too late. The only thing left now is to look at the world and the events around me with utter disgust, giving the biggest middle finger that I can as we will all soon own nothing and "be happy".

I tried being what I thought other people thought I should be when I was in the military and that didn't get me anywhere. Now, it's chic to be a non-conformist as a way of conforming - the bigger the freak show, the better. Society can drink the biggest can of Fuck-Off it can find at the Stop-And-Rob, next to the CBD vapes, and the Bud Light with Dylan Mulvaney plastered on it. Never mind the crack head and the welfare queen looting the place as you make your way to the counter to make your purchase, and then pop the top and guzzle it down in one chug. Make sure to let out the loudest belch afterwards, like the ass-scratching plebes you are.

Just leave me the fuck alone.



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