Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Well I finally made it back to Misawa. Tucked away in the Aomori Prefecture of Northern Japan, this place is truly a difficult place to get to, either military-wise or commercially. It is back-woods as it gets, just it's 10 times nicer than the shit-hole known as Kunsan, Korea. I would much rather spend another year here than in Korea, for the simple fact all my friends are still here and nobody I know at Kunsan has devoted the time and energies into getting to know me the same way these people have. Perhaps with the exception of Courtney and Melanie, I've been completely isolated and have not had anyone to share my life with there, which is why seeing my friends here again is that much more meaningful.

I found out that my Wi-Fi on my lap-top is not compatable with the cyber-cafe's sysetem on base, and they no longer have a LAN drop for me to port into. So, that means I will have to upload my pics and what not when I get back to Korea. So check back later for any photos that may relate to these stories.

Anycase, I arrivd yesterday afternoon and was 1 of 5 passengers aboard a C-5 Galaxy bound for this chunk of dirt. The other 4 people consisted of a family trying to get their way back to Anchorage Alaska, and the C-5 was bound for there until they stopped here and they had to bump everyone off the flight for official business. Sucks to be them. So they decided to try their luck by going to Yokota in Tokyo and catching a flight out that way. Since I had a map of how to get down there via the railway system, I gave it to them since they were in more need of it than I was. Hey. I help people out like that.

After calling my old co-workers to come pick me up from the Passenger Terminal, they took me to the hospital where I bumped into some old friends. Everyone was glad to see me and they commented on how much weight I've lost since I left here last year. this really made me feel good. I hate to say it but since I've been gone, alot of people have gotten HUGE-FAT. Last summer they looked good but now they're Fat Bastard size. I don't want to be mean and say anything but instead told them how glad I was to see them anyways. I suppose this place has taken a turn for the worse with the senior leadership acting like fuck-tards to all their subordinates and this is how they've worked through their frustrations. I'm not one to criticize since I was part of the Fat Bastard Club too, but instead want to encourage them to get back in the gym and cut back on what they eat and drink. I've done it and I hope my enthusiasm is contagious.

I went to the gym last night and this morning too. Yes, I even brought my work-out equipment and made sure to go double on my session. Run, ellipitical, stair-master and weight-lifting. The way I see it I'm going to be eating alot of good food so I want to catch this thing early-on. Plus I don't want to let my program go to ruin while I'm over here.

I tried getting a room in Billeting and it's packed FULL for the entire month. Luckily some of my friends are willing to put me up at their place for the time I'm here. Sofa's sleep good no matter where you're at!

I plan on taking alot of pictures and seeing how much this place has changed! Already they've torn down a few things off base and added some more. Wow. I just hope it's not disappointing overall. I guess I'll have the entire week to find out!


Blogger Unknown said...

my natey nate nate is still in misawa. :(

4:11 AM  
Blogger Machine said...

My Melonaise is still in Korea! but not after Friday.

5:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hahaha...melonaise...thats cute

11:52 PM  

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