Sunday, May 08, 2005

The word of the Day....Recovery!

Holy shit. I had way too much to drink last night!

I made my way up to Osan yesterday via Wolf Pack Wheels and met Brookie and her man, Alan. Both are really great people whom I enjoy very much. Initially we were going to meet up outside Billeting but somehow our wires got crossed and we totally missed one another. No big deal. I figured I would take care of finding a place to stay, get signed into Space-A travel and then get back to solving the Brookie dilemma.

I start walking to the BX and who do I see drooling over the 2005 Ford Mustang that AAFES Auto Sales has parked in the front? Brookie and Alan! Sweet! I finally hooked up with them! After we hugged and spoke for a bit, we decided to go out drinking around 5pm. Since curfew is at 1 AM, we figured that getting an early start would make our drinking time that much longer.

I went to the BX and wandered around a little bit. Lo and behold, there was this fat kid sitting in the food court eating pizza or whatever. The fucker had to be no older than 17 or 18. You know how those shirts with the 1950's era guy is on the front and he has a message like "Beer: helping ugly people get laid since 1857" and he's holding a stout in his hand? Well the fat kid had a shirt with that same style which read "Reality: For people that can't afford video games", clutching an X-Box controller in his hand. As much as I bag on the Trekkies and Ren Faire geeks, I've widely neglected the video game nerd community and was reminded of how dorky alot of them tend to be. Hell, I'm a video game dork by self-proclamation, but even I don't geek out like this guy was. Someone please slap me if I ever get that bad.

I wandered around, went back to the hotel I was staying at and took a much-needed nap. With all the bullshit going on these past few months, the thing I've needed most has been rest, and I wanted to make certain my batteries had been recharged before we went out drinking.

So 5pm rolls around and I meet up with Brookie and Alan. Like I said before, great people. We went bar hopping and ate at this swanky Chinese restaurant. I ordered a bowl of rice and some beer while they ordered lavish cuisine that looked like it could feed an army. If it's one thing I've learned on all my travels, pack light, eat light. Your money goes alot further and you make it around alot quicker with just a few items in hand.

By the time we had finished eating, it was 8 or 9 pm and we ended up going to Whisky a Go-Go, the coolest fucking bar I have been to. Everywhere they have skulls and rock n' roll artwork carved into the wall. They even played the Stillborn video by Black Label Society there, which rocked hella hard. Considering I had my Harley vest on with my BLS back patch, it was hella wicked.

By the time we left, it was around 11pm and I definitely had way too much to drink! All that rice in my stomach was not sitting well with all the beer I had consumed. I made it back to the hotel, in bed, and made certain I had the trash can lined with the AAFES bag ready at hand. Sure enough, that night's beer and rice came up as quickly as it had gone down. I make certain never to miss since puke stains are a bitch to clean up and even worse to smell the very next day.

My waking hours came this morning to the sunlight crashing through the window and the noises of everyday activities going on outside on the streets below. I had a fucking headache jack-hammering my brain, telling me to wake up and take care of this bastard hang-over. I managed my way to my supply of Aspirin and popped 3 pills and some Diet Coke and sat back flipping channels on the television. Everything from a skate-boarding dog on Korean television to Spice TV in Hangul was at my fingertips. And I hate the fact the Koreans won't show any pussy or hardcore fucking on Spice TV either. Something about their stupid censorship laws. At least the Japanese show it but it's digitized.

Right now I'm still fighting the hang-over as I type this but I need to get my day started. Find out whether or not any AMC information has changed on the flight and see what's shaking on base. Yes, another lazy Sunday afternoon for me.


Blogger Crazy Girl City said...

Oh goodness! You and Brookie out drinking! Please tell me there were pictures of this!
I LOVED the Whiskey! It was one of my favorite bars there.

4:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yes there are pictures, itll be a minute before they get posted though

4:05 AM  
Blogger Machine said...

I really hope the beer pic came out good. I should use that as my Chair-Force pic!

5:47 AM  

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