Saturday, April 30, 2005

More Youngsan

The fucking Christians are at it again. Goddammit.

They were even begging for support at the Commissary today when I went grocery shopping. Take a look at what one of their fliers said:


Club Beyond is the youth ministry for the young people, grades 6-12 of Area II. The youth are reaching out to those that are less fortunate than we are. We sponser (sic) a ministry here in Seoul called The Shelter of Love. This shelter helps house and feed more than 700 people. During the month we ask for donations, then once a month, on the third Saturday the youth along with our adult volunteers, come together and make 700 bag lunches and then we take it to the Shelter and deliver it door to door to more than 700 needy people. Their greatest need is for food. It would be greatly appreciated if you would help us help them. We are asking that you please donate a 20lb bag of rice so that we can help feed them. As you do your shopping please pick up a bag of rice and drop it off to us as you leave the commissary. We thank you for helping us help them.

Pastor Stepp, the staff and the youth of Club Beyond Youth Ministry
If you have any questions about this or any other youth ministry event please feel free to contact me any time @ 011=9685-4170"

So if I get this right, you assholes give a free hand-out to people that need food and not jobs. The way I see it, why not make these fuckers work for their own meal? Or do you guys just take delight in watching them beg for their supper? It's one thing to help out people that have no visible means of supporting themselves - elderly people, the disabled, even the fucking retards that piss their pants. But it doesn't say any of that. Fuck you. No soup for you!

You're probably thinking I'm some callous asshole and to a certain extent you're right. The difference is when I first moved to DC, I was one of these assholes that barely made enough to make ends meet AND put food on the table. Rent was $900 a month plus utilities, and I slept on a mattress on the floor. I had absolutely no furniture to my name and just some clothes hanging in the closet. I lived paycheck to paycheck and had to take a second job. I was living below the poverty level as an active duty Air Force dweeb, yet I wasn't eligible for any kind of assistance since I was single with no dependants. Meals consisted of Ramen noodles @ 39 cents a pack, each, canned peas @ 38 cents a can, each, and 2-liter CVS brand Diet Cola @ 99 cents, each. I could make $5 go a long way, and many times had to.

I remember one time going to visit Allison, the girl I was dating up in New Jersey (she was attending Drew University) and only having $20 to my name. They had a food drive box in their dorm and I started grabbing some of the canned goods since I had absolutely NOTHING in the pantry to feed me for the next week. The way I saw it, I was removing the middle-man, and was going to ration what goods I could get my hands on. Then Allison saw what I was doing and got pissed at me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Machine?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting something to eat!"

"Put those back! Those are for POOR PEOPLE!"


For a moment there, it dawned on Allison that her current boyfriend was living hand to mouth and she never had so much a clue. I then began explaining to her how much it was costing me to come visit her all the time and how I only had $20 in my bank account until payday. That didn't seem to matter to her, either way. In her eyes, she didn't know any poor people, and no way was her love interest one step away from the flop house. As far as she was concerned, donating food was her contribution to charity and as long as she did something like this, all was right with her world. It was a real shocker to find out she was fucking a bum! On top of that, Drew University provided each student with a $500 a month limit on their meal card they could use at the school cafeteria, that she never touched. When I found out she had $480 of unspent money on her account, I got even more pissed she hadn't offered to help out.

We ended getting into a huge argument and I stormed out of the dorm and headed back to DC, spending the last $20 in my pocket on gas and toll booth fare. She ended up telling me to go fuck myself and I told her she gave the worst blow-jobs in the world. All of that over some fucking canned goods!

She bought your love, but you paid for it.

The way I see it, these fuckers can get out there and help these kids beg for their meat and potatoes. That way at least we know we're not feeding some North Korean refugees or worse, anti-American college students based in Seoul. I was pro-active with my search for a free meal, and these fuckers can do the same thing too.

Side note: In the end Allison and I broke up because our worlds were opposite extremes. She had no concept of having a 'work ethic' and could always go home to her mom's house for a hot meal and some extra cash, whereas my world began at 5am everyday and usually didn't end until 10 or 11pm at night sometimes. Where she would cut class and sleep in late, my ass was waiting on then-President Clinton and company to fly in at 0-dark-30 since I was pulling ambulance coverage for Air Force One. It was by far the most chaotic time in my life where nothing seemed to fit together, but by far the most memorable.


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