Fuck Japan

Well well well - it seems that once again Korea and Japan are in a squabble with one another over some island territory that is just off the Korean peninsula. "Dok-do" Island if I am not mistaken. The Japanese say they are entitled to the islands since they kicked Korea's ass back in WWII and it remained under their jurisdiction when the U.S. gave them their land back. The Koreans on the other hand say that the island properly belongs to them since it's just a stone's throw away from the mainland.
While this is the whole drama in a watered-down nutshell, it doesn't surprise me that there is still alot of animosity between the Koreans and the Japanese. Usually the Koreans are bagging on the Americans and the military since it's so easy to do, but when it comes to trashing Japan, China, and even North Korea, well that's a delicate line that many don't tread.
Koreans are horribly racist, only they're not overt with their bigotry the same way Americans are. I've heard this sentiment echoed by many different people, including my friend Russ, who is Korean-American and is bilingual. He gets alot of shit from the locals because he was born and raised in Los Angeles, but the fact his parents were born on the Republic, many of the Koreans are willing to accept him only then. He's actually the one that took this photograph, only I copied it from his website and am using it here. I asked him what the words written in Hangul said, and he wouldn't tell me since they were derogatory words the Koreans use to describe the Japanese.
"Come on dude, it's not like I'm going to tell anyone" I insisted.
No dice.
From what I can gather, it's probably something about the comment written in English about the "Short Dick Motherfucking Island Monkey" above the cartoon caricature. The phrase "Dont fuck with Korea" makes me laugh too. The Koreans? Make threats to the Japanese? Ha! That's rich!
The Japanese owned Korea's ass for 35 years - from 1910 to 1945. They also invaded China and the Phillipines and were really nasty bastards in general. It wasn't until America nuked the fuckers that Korea and all the other territories under Japanese rule had their freedoms restored and could do as they saw fit. Even by today's standards, the ROKAF, ROK Army, and ROK Navy are ill-equipped to fight an all out war with another country without the support of the U.S. While they might be able to hold their own in a short-term conflict, if they were to go it alone against North Korea and China at once, they would all be Communist by the end of the week. And yes, that's happened before. Read up on the Korean Conflict some time.
Of course in the end this is all a bunch of hot-air on the parts of the Koreans. As long as Uncle Sam has bases in both Korea and Japan, nothing is going to happen. It just amuses me to see these people talk shit when they damn well know they can't back it up - either politically, economically, or otherwise.
hmmmm....like people on the board. oh wait...wrong website. :)
i've always found the animosity between the two funny.
i do say one thing, ok two, and stand by them both....
1)N Korea will go after S Korea again (or just do something blatenly stupid to provoke a war) and it WILL happen within the next 25 years (yeah I know that's a looong window, but I'll still be in then and I think it'll happen while I'm in)
2)China will either not partake in the war or they will be on our side. No more supporting the Il family. They're already pulling away from N Korea and refusing to help support them now.
Or, do #3 which is my fave idea (thanks to my supervisor for saying this):
Sell arms to both North and South Koreans and make a profit if they do face off with one another!
Of course that means we would have to pull our forces out first, but that small detail can easily be ironed out....
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