What the fuck does FFH stand for?
I have no fucking clue, other than the fact they're some annoying Christian band that will be playing on base come Saturday.
I thought this kind of thing wasn't condoned by the DoD - proselytizing. You can have the presence of a religious institution on base (i.e. the Base Chapel), but it has to be open to all faiths regardless of who requests to use it. Christians, Jews and Muslims alike may gather together at the Base Chapel to worship as they please.
But this is different. To me, this is the same as allowing Pat Robertson or Benny Hinn to come on base with their entourage of Jesus Freaks and Hypocrites setting up shop and peddling their Snake Oil like the charlatans that they are. If an openly Satanic band like Slayer or The Electric Hellfire Club wanted to do a gig through the USO, they would be shot down quicker than an F-4 Phantom over Vietnam.
Perhaps the legal loophole is that this is a free concert, promoted by the Services Squadron, and it is open to everyone with free food being provided, which is why they can do something like this. The catch is there won't be any alcohol served which sucks ass, since I suppose these guys are serious WASPS. "Make this a Catholic celebration" I said today jokingly, mentioning that alcohol can be consumed.
I remember there was this shitty cover band made of ex-military dudes that stays in Seoul by the name of Faded, that played here last year and they sucked bad. I mean hella shitty bad. During their intermission I asked them to play Iron Man by Black Sabbath and none of them knew any Ozzy tunes. Not even Crazy Train which is one of the easiest songs to learn! They stuck to the more trendy, cry-baby nu-metal stuff like Korn and Linkin Park instead of tunes that ROCK! I ended up leaving half-way through the show since they were fucking lame.
I would much rather listen to a shitty band live that writes their own music, instead of some no-talent hacks that can't hold down a day-job to save their lives. At least the shitty band is trying to be original.
Anycase, for shits n' grins I had my friend Courtney take this photo of me standing next to the banner. What a fucking hoot. I'm half tempted to show up to the concert Saturday wearing the same outfit just to see the reaction I'll get.

lmfao!!! that's funny shit. you have lost a lot of weight too dude. congrats! :)
Like I said before, I'm the Death Metal version of Where's Waldo ~!
Now the chicks will diggit!
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