Saturday, April 16, 2005

Hey Asshole!

Well I was supposed to take Natasha to Inchon Airport this morning, only she decided to change plans. I talked to her yesterday and she decided to have her friend take her to the airport directly, instead of staying the night on base. Her reasoning is that it's easier just to go straight-shot up to Seoul, which she was correct.

So then why do I need to go along?

"Sasha", her friend driving, would have to swing all the way over here and go out of his way to come get me. I like Natasha alot but it makes no sense whatsoever for me to tag along if they're going to drive 30 minutes out of their way. So I told her not to worry about coming to get me, and to have a safe flight. Talking with Sasha, he has been to Inchon a zillion times and will make sure she gets to her flight safely. She's knows this guy better than she knows me, so I have no worries either way. I did detect a hint of desperation in her voice just as I was about to hang up on her - she said she still wanted to keep in touch with me once she got to Iceland.


I'm starting to think my gut feeling about her and Travis is starting to pay off, and she sees me as some kind of alternative solution in the event things end between them. Believe me I'm flattered although I think once I get to Germany things will pan out differently. Still, I would like to think the guy still wants her around since he dropped 2 grand on her plane tickets. Why pay that much cash only to tell someone they're no longer wanted? I wish them the best, either way.

Que sera sera.

I woke up today and fucked around on the net a little bit, to include reading some more blog stuff. I'm addicted to CrazyGirl's blog and Brookie's blog for some reason. Who knows. Maybe I'm just bored or really pathetic but I like to hear what they have to say. If only Juicee would start one too (I know you're reading this, Djus!).

I went to shower, only we have no hot water to shower with. FUCK! I took a sponge bath instead, hitting the important areas. Call me a Metro in denial, I still believe in maintaining good hygiene. I then got dressed, put on my fave Opeth shirt, and decided to walk over to the BX to see what's going on.

On the way over there, some asshole was looking at my shirt and decided to comment on how faggy it looked. This guy was some hillbilly NASCAR-type with the stereotypical "3" hat on, wanna-be NASCAR driving jacket, torn jeans and cowboy boots. This dude looked like some fat Baby Huey with a moustache.

"What the fuck is an Opeth?" he looked at me and sneered.

"What the fuck is a '3' doin on your hat?" I fired back.

"It's NASCAR you asshole. It's the number for Dale Earnhardt, Jr."

"Well Opeth is Scandinavian Death Metal. They kick ass too."

"Fuck that - I don't listen to no goddamn Devil-Worshipping music."

"Fine have it your way, Howdy-Doody."

And I walked off.

One thing I've noticed about the Air Force is that you can be a redneck and that's accepted. You can be a wanna-be thug or wigger and that's accepted too, but the moment you wear a Motley Crue t-shirt out in public, you get all sorts of snide remarks and shitty looks from people. Sorry, but I'm not into wearing Wrangler jeans or FUBU with Fat Albert's face on my ass. I hate hip-hop and never did like Gene Autry despite my parents' small-town Texan background. It's just not me.

Even classic rock shirts still get shitty looks, although it's becoming more accepted. While I can admire bands like Led Zepplin and Iron Maiden, they just fall short of what I consider to be cutting-edge rock. Even bands like Black Sabbath and AC/DC kick ass but the military needs to get with the program. I'm talking bands like Deicide. Monster Magnet. KMFDM. Black Label Society. Type O Negative. Iced Earth. OPETH. That kind of music.

All of this stems from the Military Honor and Decency Act of 1996. While it's been out for almost 10 years, few people know of its existance. In a nutshell, it controls what can and can't be sold in a military exchange. Its basis started from an angry dependant wife (read: the bane of all military existance) complaining to her Congressman about all the hardcore porn that was being sold on bases worldwide. Mind you, it wasn't being sold to minors or anything, but she felt it was threatening nonetheless and started her little crusade against anything remotely fun, and the DoD bought it hook, line, and sinker. Magazines like Penthouse and Hustler were struck down from the shelves, and the raciest publication that can be sold is Playboy. This also extends into music and other literature as well.

While the majority of people in the Air Force have always been Conservative Christian Republicans, the few Non-Christian, Non-Republican members have had to suffer the standard continually being enforced upon them. Myself for example, I would love to see more books on the occult being sold, and in recent years there has been a growing trend supporting that. Just last year at Okinawa, I saw The Satanic Bible on sale, sitting next to The Bible in their book section. I was like "Holy shit! This rocks!", but have yet to see anywhere else take the same courageous effort to become so not one-sided. Unfortunately the majority of people that do take interest in the occult give it a bad name - primarily Star Trek nerds - which is why it's still looked down upon by most commanders and senior enlisted.

The same applies to Michael Moore's writings and movies. Bowling For Columbine never made its way to the BX shelves, and AAFES reluctantly carried Fahrenheit 9-11 only because of its box-office popularity. Still, there has been a backlash amongst military members in buying his merchandise, as well as those who support what he says. Myself, I applaud the guy for slapping the Republicans in the face with a dead fish, since they're nothing more than criminals in a three-piece-suit, as are the Democrats. I am a registered Libertarian and voted so, this past November, because I am so fed up with both parties and their lies. While Michael Moore has become whiny and disinteresting lately, he still has the ability to piss people off the same way Howard Stern and Larry Flynt both do, by having the balls to stand firm on what he speaks, and for that I admire him.

I always support the underdog.

So, the BX will never carry anything remotely cool. They're too busy catering to the mainstream in order to make a buck, and it's reinforced in the thoughts and actions of Mr Hillbilly-NASCAR and others like him.

Thank goodness for the internet where I can order still order what I want. Hell forbid that gets shut down too!


Blogger Unknown said...

I was totally with you...till you got to the end & started in with Moore & politics. lol. but that's what makes us so unique :)

7:43 AM  
Blogger Machine said...

Heh. That's me! I will always be at odds with the mainstream, Brookie!

7:48 AM  

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