United States Christian Air Force Revisited

What the fuck is going on?
We just had FFH blast us with their Jesus music this past Saturday and now we're having more Christianity shoved down our throats? This shit has got to stop.
Sure I know they're also using the whole "cultural" angle to sell this thing but honestly the end message is going to be the same regardless if it is done in English or Korean.
And the Stars & Stripes newspaper ran an article on FFH today, which can be viewed entirely here: Related Article.
Tell me there is not a Judeo-Christian hidden agenda going on within the DoD and I will tell you the Moon is made of green cheese.
that would be the final straw for me. I'd go to MEO with that shit & bitch about it & throw the damn constitution in THEIR faces if they bitched at me about it....
mother fuckers love jesus all you want, that's your choice! but EVERYONE has the right to religious freedom, and this includes the armed forces of the united states! I don't mind fighting for "God & Country" cause that's what my country was founded on, but I'm also fighting for my right to sit in my room & burn some sage or to stand outside on the football field (if its the only place available) and have a gathering with other witches.
fuckers....sorry dude. that shit pisses me off.
Whoa! Calm down! I admire your enthusiasm, woman!
Just that this is a game of chess and you have to play your moves correctly. Know when to fight and when to let things pass.
I may say something the next time I see something targeted for the Christian populace, but will have to play my cards very carefully if I do.....
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