I woke up this morning early because I had morning wood that just wouldn't stop. Fuck! I hate getting morning wood and not having a girl next to me to get rid of it with. What do I do? Do I lay there and let the thing support me like a kick-stand, or do I rub one off right quick and then go back to sleep? Or do I take a whizz and get rid of it that way too? Jack Black talks about doing Cock Push-ups on his Tenacious D album, so why not get out of bed and try doing one on the floor? Decisions, decisions.
Finally I decided to get up and go to the bathroom. Ah. No more morning wood. Good. Now to start the day.
I fucked around for a little bit on the Internet this morning before going out and walking around Youngsan Army Garrison. If it's one thing I see continually, it's how ghetto the Army is truly becoming. Everywhere I go, I see people pimped out like wanna-be thugs wearing their bling bling and their Roca Wear. Sure the Air Force has its share of these idiots and assholes alike, but not to the same extent the Army does. How the Army allows people to run around like this caliber I don't know, but I get dirty looks just because I'm wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt. I suppose when recruiting goals aren't being met to fight the war on imaginary WMD, Uncle Sam will go to new lows in getting yet another body to catch a bullet. Glad it's some other guy and not me.
Anycase, on with tonight's topic.

Spring is marked on May the First. This is when Spring has officially taken over as the new Season and Winter has officially passed. The Wiccans and some of their Pagan buddies will celebrate Beltane, which is a close cousin to Walpurgisnacht. April 30 is when it is celebrated. Anton LaVey mentions it in The Satanic Bible but doesn't really describe what it's about, aside from the fact that it is named after Walpurga, a Catholic Saint that was a protector against witchcraft. So, I went to our friend the internet where I found this little tid-bit of info:
"Cross Quarter Day May 1 - May Day is closely connected to the evening before it - the "Walpurgisnacht" or May Eve. Its roots can be found in pre-Christian Frühjahrsfests. Walpurgisnacht is situated directly opposite Halloween and is the end marker in the seasonal cycle which begins with Candlemas/Groundhog Day. Children play pranks on unsuspecting victims around midnight on April 30, similar to Halloween, and some even dress up as witches and evil spirits. The Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, is known as the mythical meeting place of the witches. Witches' fires may burn in some places. Since noise was deemed the most effective way to drive off evil spirits many ways of making noise are known. On May Day earth spirits like fairies and elves (the ancient dead) would come out of the hills and barrows to dance on May Eve and well into the summer.
The festival is marked by numerous rituals to ward off evil. Legend has it that on Walpurgisnacht the witches would gather on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains. Because of the Walpurgisnacht scene in Goethe's Faust, in which Mephistopheles takes Faust to the Brocken and has him revel with the witches, the witches gathering became widely known."
In the same fashion that Christmas and Easter go hand-in-hand, Halloween and Walpurgisnacht are equally paired, which is the reason why LaVey makes mention of it. It is time for Life to spring forward and begin anew, after the harsh and gruelling winter, and to the Satanist, Life is the Great Abundance. Death is the Great Abstinence. I plan on going out later tonight and getting shitty to celebrate. I wanna see what fun I can get myself into!
Finally I decided to get up and go to the bathroom. Ah. No more morning wood. Good. Now to start the day.
I fucked around for a little bit on the Internet this morning before going out and walking around Youngsan Army Garrison. If it's one thing I see continually, it's how ghetto the Army is truly becoming. Everywhere I go, I see people pimped out like wanna-be thugs wearing their bling bling and their Roca Wear. Sure the Air Force has its share of these idiots and assholes alike, but not to the same extent the Army does. How the Army allows people to run around like this caliber I don't know, but I get dirty looks just because I'm wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt. I suppose when recruiting goals aren't being met to fight the war on imaginary WMD, Uncle Sam will go to new lows in getting yet another body to catch a bullet. Glad it's some other guy and not me.
Anycase, on with tonight's topic.

Spring is marked on May the First. This is when Spring has officially taken over as the new Season and Winter has officially passed. The Wiccans and some of their Pagan buddies will celebrate Beltane, which is a close cousin to Walpurgisnacht. April 30 is when it is celebrated. Anton LaVey mentions it in The Satanic Bible but doesn't really describe what it's about, aside from the fact that it is named after Walpurga, a Catholic Saint that was a protector against witchcraft. So, I went to our friend the internet where I found this little tid-bit of info:
"Cross Quarter Day May 1 - May Day is closely connected to the evening before it - the "Walpurgisnacht" or May Eve. Its roots can be found in pre-Christian Frühjahrsfests. Walpurgisnacht is situated directly opposite Halloween and is the end marker in the seasonal cycle which begins with Candlemas/Groundhog Day. Children play pranks on unsuspecting victims around midnight on April 30, similar to Halloween, and some even dress up as witches and evil spirits. The Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, is known as the mythical meeting place of the witches. Witches' fires may burn in some places. Since noise was deemed the most effective way to drive off evil spirits many ways of making noise are known. On May Day earth spirits like fairies and elves (the ancient dead) would come out of the hills and barrows to dance on May Eve and well into the summer.
The festival is marked by numerous rituals to ward off evil. Legend has it that on Walpurgisnacht the witches would gather on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains. Because of the Walpurgisnacht scene in Goethe's Faust, in which Mephistopheles takes Faust to the Brocken and has him revel with the witches, the witches gathering became widely known."
In the same fashion that Christmas and Easter go hand-in-hand, Halloween and Walpurgisnacht are equally paired, which is the reason why LaVey makes mention of it. It is time for Life to spring forward and begin anew, after the harsh and gruelling winter, and to the Satanist, Life is the Great Abundance. Death is the Great Abstinence. I plan on going out later tonight and getting shitty to celebrate. I wanna see what fun I can get myself into!
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