More Random Shit
Okay. Like I took a bunch of random photos from visiting Youngsan, I took a shit load more while I was in Japan. To be fair, I will break them up between my trip to Misawa and my trip to Tokyo. This should be really fun.

Misawa when it's not raining or snowing (rare).

The infamous Puke Park I was talking about.

Most people would just give you the finger. He goes one step further!

I don't know who this car belongs to, but that creme color looks like absolute SHIT. Fast & Furious, HE AIN'T!

This 'Endo' fag went all over Misawa spraying his name around. I hope the fucker gets his ass kicked for faking the funk.

I ditched this futon next to an abandoned car a year ago and it's still sitting there! Holy shit! It's weather-beaten as fuck but probably still sleeps comfortably.

Holy Shit! Kerry King from Slayer! That guitar is too sweet!

That fucking goddamned Ham-taro is up Ronald's ass.

The ultimate Anime nerd's wet dream. I wonder how many fan boys have creamed their jeans walking by this exhibit?

The Tokyo Fag Twins.

My fave place to party when in the Rappongi district.

Ultra-gayness in the Tokyo Metro.

The Ueno district of Tokyo - where the Machine loves to party too!

Shibuya district where all the freaks hang out.

I'd go here and stock up on goods if I ever got laid.

Fucking wicked! Make a wish and if it comes true then you color in the other eye.

Ultra-Gayness knows no boundaries. It knows no barriers.

This is where you can get laid but I'm not about to spend $300 for a piece of ass. Besides, those girls don't know where I've been!

Fucking awesome Dr Pepper can. Wonder if they have the same marketing in the States?
Jeezus Christ. I seriously need a life.

Misawa when it's not raining or snowing (rare).

The infamous Puke Park I was talking about.

Most people would just give you the finger. He goes one step further!
I don't know who this car belongs to, but that creme color looks like absolute SHIT. Fast & Furious, HE AIN'T!

This 'Endo' fag went all over Misawa spraying his name around. I hope the fucker gets his ass kicked for faking the funk.

I ditched this futon next to an abandoned car a year ago and it's still sitting there! Holy shit! It's weather-beaten as fuck but probably still sleeps comfortably.

Holy Shit! Kerry King from Slayer! That guitar is too sweet!

That fucking goddamned Ham-taro is up Ronald's ass.

The ultimate Anime nerd's wet dream. I wonder how many fan boys have creamed their jeans walking by this exhibit?

The Tokyo Fag Twins.

My fave place to party when in the Rappongi district.

Ultra-gayness in the Tokyo Metro.

The Ueno district of Tokyo - where the Machine loves to party too!

Shibuya district where all the freaks hang out.

I'd go here and stock up on goods if I ever got laid.

Fucking wicked! Make a wish and if it comes true then you color in the other eye.

Ultra-Gayness knows no boundaries. It knows no barriers.

This is where you can get laid but I'm not about to spend $300 for a piece of ass. Besides, those girls don't know where I've been!

Fucking awesome Dr Pepper can. Wonder if they have the same marketing in the States?
Jeezus Christ. I seriously need a life.
I can't see the last 9 pictures.
They show up perfectly on my computer.
here either...last two pics and your pics from previous posts arent showing up :|
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