Thursday, March 06, 2014

Zit inside my ass

Goddammit. How many of you fuckers here view this shit-stain of a blog? Shouldn't you be jerking off to Miley Cyrus pics or something? Speaking of jerking off, how many of you sick fucks keep looking for Korean porn in a search engine like Yahoo or Google, and come across this blog? I mean, Seriously? Fuck me running.

Anycase, I had another wicked zit last night. This time it was inside my ass, where the asshole and the taint meet. It was fucking huge, and I thought it was a hemorrhoid or something. I felt how big and round and squishy it was, and on a whim, I decided to squeeze it.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

A puddle of blood large enough to be a snot popped out on my index finger. It was a pretty big pool too, like someone had stabbed me in the ass or something. Fuck. It's when I looked at my middle finger did I see the white head of pus that had also popped out right along side it. I swear it looked like it was almost like a sebaceous know, that white, cottage cheese texture to it. I tried squeezing out some more, only it was all empty after the first push.

You people are some sick fucks to come back and read about this stuff. Seriously. I hope you've barfed all over your cat, or inside your beer after reading this. If I get another zit, I'll try to photograph it and put it here for all to see.



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