Friday, December 30, 2016

An experiment

I have an idea for an experiment; one that I would gladly perform on myself if possible.

See, I fucking hate people. I am a misanthrope. White, black, asian, hispanic. Whatever. I can only tolerate people on a limited basis. Individuals, I tend to do better with.

Because people piss me off so much, I would love to do nothing more than to stay within the domicile of my house for one calendar year, not leaving once, unless it is for medical, legal, or emergency purposes.

I would have all my bills paid off using allotments, and if I needed additional heating oil or maintenance done, that would be coordinated as necessary. My only contact with the outside world would be through the use of my cell phone or landline, and internet connection. For entertainment purposes, I would stream movies and news through the appropriate channels, or use existing media such as DVDs, Blu-Rays, books, and CDs in case of fail.

I would have enough canned and frozen food for one year saved up before I began such an endeavor. Same with hygiene supplies such as shampoo, toothpaste, dental floss, soap, shaving cream, and shaving razors.

Ideally, I could start 1 January, and finish up 31 December. Come out after having a sabbatical away from humanity. I would probably enjoy it so much, I'd quickly try to do another year on top of it, for a total of 2.

Unfortunately, I have responsibilities which prevent me from carrying out this experiment. Sucks, because if I could do it in a heartbeat, I would.

Oh well.



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