Silent (But Violent) Hill
For some reason I am on a potty-humor kick this week. Who knows why. I just am.
Anycase I was thinking about it - the only way the coolest film so far this year - SILENT HILL could be any cooler, was if someone were to make a PARODY of the film in the same spirit that SCARY MOVIE makes fun of the whole SCREAM trilogy. Simply put, it could be called

Run with me on this one kids - the story centers around a little girl with an excessive flatulence disorder, caused from eating too many fava beans, over-ripe fruit, and deep-fried foods. As a result, her CROHN'S DISEASE kicks in and she craps her pants. Her mom, hearing that there's this renowned Gastrointestinal doctor by the name of Hugh Jass in some backwoods town in Kentucky, decides to take her daughter there for treatment and possibly a cure.
On the way, they eat at some greasy spoon diner which kicks her Crohn's into over-time, causing thick green fart clouds to appear, turning the locals into zombies. Unfortunately for her, the renowned doctor they're seeking decided to get the fuck outta the sticks and move to Los Angeles, and they're stuck now without a cure. Having to flee for their lives, the green cloud starts to mutate the zombies who in turn crap their pants too. Declaring a catastrophy, the local law enforcement try contacting FEMA in order to evacuate the remaining people from the town, only FEMA is ill-equipped once again to handle such an event, only they don't want to go public and embarass the little girl as well as themselves. So, throughout the entire film they have to convince her to change her diet in hopes the rancid poopy gas will abate and people will return to normal inbred hillbillies that they were to begin with. (side note: Come to think of it....would you rather live in a town full of inbred hillbillies or a town fulla zombies? I suppose there wouldn't be that much of a difference if yah know what I mean...)
As you can see, I tried making a movie poster with my photo editor thing (much thanks to RUCKUS for the inspiration)only it looks hella shitty and very amateurish. What do you expect from some moron on a shoe-string budget? Send me some cash and I'll see what I can come up with next time! Anycase if any of you Hollyweird asshole-types know Jerry and David Zucker (Kentucky Fried Movie, Naked Gun movies, Airplane!) then tell them to contact me and we can talk about a movie deal or something. Heh.
For some reason I am on a potty-humor kick this week. Who knows why. I just am.
Anycase I was thinking about it - the only way the coolest film so far this year - SILENT HILL could be any cooler, was if someone were to make a PARODY of the film in the same spirit that SCARY MOVIE makes fun of the whole SCREAM trilogy. Simply put, it could be called

Run with me on this one kids - the story centers around a little girl with an excessive flatulence disorder, caused from eating too many fava beans, over-ripe fruit, and deep-fried foods. As a result, her CROHN'S DISEASE kicks in and she craps her pants. Her mom, hearing that there's this renowned Gastrointestinal doctor by the name of Hugh Jass in some backwoods town in Kentucky, decides to take her daughter there for treatment and possibly a cure.
On the way, they eat at some greasy spoon diner which kicks her Crohn's into over-time, causing thick green fart clouds to appear, turning the locals into zombies. Unfortunately for her, the renowned doctor they're seeking decided to get the fuck outta the sticks and move to Los Angeles, and they're stuck now without a cure. Having to flee for their lives, the green cloud starts to mutate the zombies who in turn crap their pants too. Declaring a catastrophy, the local law enforcement try contacting FEMA in order to evacuate the remaining people from the town, only FEMA is ill-equipped once again to handle such an event, only they don't want to go public and embarass the little girl as well as themselves. So, throughout the entire film they have to convince her to change her diet in hopes the rancid poopy gas will abate and people will return to normal inbred hillbillies that they were to begin with. (side note: Come to think of it....would you rather live in a town full of inbred hillbillies or a town fulla zombies? I suppose there wouldn't be that much of a difference if yah know what I mean...)
As you can see, I tried making a movie poster with my photo editor thing (much thanks to RUCKUS for the inspiration)only it looks hella shitty and very amateurish. What do you expect from some moron on a shoe-string budget? Send me some cash and I'll see what I can come up with next time! Anycase if any of you Hollyweird asshole-types know Jerry and David Zucker (Kentucky Fried Movie, Naked Gun movies, Airplane!) then tell them to contact me and we can talk about a movie deal or something. Heh.
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