Asian Pacific Heritage Month

One thing the DoD prides itself on is ethnic diversity.
There are months reserved to pay homage to the black, latino, Native American, and Asian communities for their efforts in keeping Democracy alive and well within our society. There is even a Women's History Month dedicated to female pioneers whom have carved a name for themselves in American history.
Why is there no White History Month? Or European Ancestry Month? Any talk of something like this automatically conjures images in alot of Americans of the Ku Klux Klan, the National Socialist movement, or a bunch of rednecks that live in trailer park communities and inbreed. Sure, Europeans colonized the US and Canada, but it was the Native American that first occupied the soil and is truly the rightful founder of its identity.
Well, you can thank the liberal media and the Democrats for this negative reinforcement since the 1960's essentially. For the past 40-50 years, White Americans have been taught that they're "White Devils" by history books, assholes like Malcolm X and Louis Farrakahn, and how they are directly responsible for the oppression and slaughter of every ethnic group known today to mankind. Nevermind the fact that Blacks enslaved the Jews and that Muslims continued to capitalize on slavery long after the European aristocracy abolished its practice, Spike Lee and other 90's celebrities like Ice-T and Ice Cube have helped reinforce this negative stereotype into the socially acceptable monster that it is today. While you see little white girls wearing black hair fashions and fat white kids trying to act like ghetto thugs, I have to wonder when this negativity is going to end and we as a collective ethnic group can enjoy our Aryan, Teutonic, and Celtic ancestries without ridicule or prejudice. We have truly lost our identity.
My question ultimately leads up to this: because I currently live in Korea, and have lived in Asia for 8 collective years now, isn't everyday Asian Heritage Month for me, whether I want it or not? From my waking moments until I close my eyes to sleep at night, I am continually reminded of where I live in the world, and all the contributions that Asians have made not only to their societies, but to the US commonwealth as well. Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiians, Filipinos and Chamorrans far outnumber Americans in this part of the world, and naturally so.
So why do we still have this double standard?
And living in San Diego California as a kid, everyday was Hispanic Heritage month since it borders the Tijuana/Mexican border, with a steady stream of people crossing daily - both legally and illegally.
The only place I could see that a Caucasian heritage month would need not apply would naturally be Europe and Russia. Having been to Europe 3 times now, I can say I truly feel like I fit in there more so than I do in the US or any other place I have visited, for the simple fact there isn't that negative element attached because I am simply white. But even so I think that is changing slowly. With such a strong influence abroad, the US is notorious for shaping world views, both politically and socially.
Now before you send me a nasty comment, calling me racist or bigoted or whatever, take a moment to catch your breath and re-read what I have just written. Nowhere am I bashing any ethnic group nor detracting from what they represent. I merely state fact and call 2 people assholes respectively. Even if you somehow manage to twist the intent of my message around, chances are you're a fucking race-baiter who has nothing better to do than to look under every rock and stone for trouble. You're no better than those goddamned Jesus Freaks that go looking for the Devil in every nook and cranny of the Universe. Play any Ozzy records backwards lately for that matter?
Honestly. Where does the madness end?
In the future I foresee the continued neglect of Caucasian Heritage nationally, forcing whites to create separate communities just as many Orthodox Jews have today. We will become another ethnic minority due to inter-racial mixing and loss of identity, but by then our numbers will have dwindled to the point where it will be too late to restore our previous influence in society. While some people think all of this sounds like complete and total horse shit, considering that roughly 50% of the US population is now Hispanic/Latino, do the math for 20 years from now and see what kind of numbers you get.
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