The Daruma
By now alot of you know that I used to live in Japan before coming to Korea. While the majority of what I've shared with you has been the more interesting stuff that goes on in the Aomori Prefecture, there is a part of Japanese culture that is often witnessed yet rarely understood.
Tonight's blog revolves around the Daruma Doll and have provided a link as to its significance.
The story of the Daruma Doll.
About a year ago I during a ritual I was performing, I wished for orders to Germany since alot of people request Europe but not many get to go. I was stationed in England for my very first duty assignment and was fortunate to have seen the United Kingdom in addition to traveling through Spain, Germany, France and Turkey all on government orders. Because of some loose ends that I wished to tie down, I figured then was the best time to put forth into motion a plan which would net me the results I sought.

I blackened in the first eye as described by Japanese tradition and knew to wait until I had recieved results before completing the other eye. It would just merely be a matter of time before everything slid into place. Just sit and wait.
Within about a month's time I recieved notification I had been selected for another assignment. "Sweet! My workings came to pass! I thought to myself. I can start packing my bags for sweet Deutschland and can get down to business soon enough. When do I leave?
Well, it turns out the orders weren't for Germany but were for KOREA. Yes, the same Korea that I have been trapped in for the past 12 months. "FUCK!" I thought to myself. "This wasn't supposed to happen!!!" Well just as the Lord works in mysterious ways, so does the Man Downstairs. I was ready to cancel the assignment back to Kunsan when something told me to chill out for a moment and to think things through.
"Kunsan is a shit hole assignment. It's a festering boil on the ass-end of the world. Getting people to go there and leave their loved ones for a year is a real chore for the Assignments people. Maybe I can work something out with this Easter egg to my advantage."
So I decided to keep the assignment and haggle with my Functional Manager for a guaranteed follow-on to Germany once I left Korea once and for all. She said she would do what she could and gave me the names of some contacts to explain why it is my name should go to the top of list above everyone else that has been pushing for orders over there. Sure enough, before leaving Japan, I had it in writing that my base after Kunsan would be where I wanted to go.
Remembering that I had made a wish on the Daruma Doll, I now realized I needed to wait for these actions to come to pass before I could color in the other eye. It was going to be a long wait but well worth the patience invested. For well over a year and a half now, it has sat undisturbed in my room, and tonight I completed the other eye since I finally have hard copy of orders in hand.

Because of the fire codes in the barracks, my make-shift altar has been very modest to say the least and have not done any workings for my time over here. I knew before leaving Misawa that I wouldn't need to resort to such activities, however to keep any such resources on reserve since you never know what might go down. Thankfully my hunch has paid off once again, and I haven't had to return to the basics since I've kept my head down low and off people's radar. This will most likely change upon arrival at my next station and I am aware of this aspect of my life returning and completely comfortable with such a return.

So, in honor of paying tribute to the blessings I have recieved, tonight's ritual was done minus lighting the candles. In order to make it official though, I now need to burn the Daruma Doll as mentioned on the website linked above. While I don't know any Satanic Priests, I have always considered myself to be a Heirophant of sorts in the absence of such people and will perform my own private ceremony in the manner I see fit to compensate. I will bring the Daruma Doll with me back to Japan next month when I visit one last and perhaps final time in order to complete the cycle of events that has taken place. My karma will cycle forward as intended, and I will finally be able to satisfy an obligation made long ago.
Better late than never.
Tonight's blog revolves around the Daruma Doll and have provided a link as to its significance.
The story of the Daruma Doll.
About a year ago I during a ritual I was performing, I wished for orders to Germany since alot of people request Europe but not many get to go. I was stationed in England for my very first duty assignment and was fortunate to have seen the United Kingdom in addition to traveling through Spain, Germany, France and Turkey all on government orders. Because of some loose ends that I wished to tie down, I figured then was the best time to put forth into motion a plan which would net me the results I sought.

I blackened in the first eye as described by Japanese tradition and knew to wait until I had recieved results before completing the other eye. It would just merely be a matter of time before everything slid into place. Just sit and wait.
Within about a month's time I recieved notification I had been selected for another assignment. "Sweet! My workings came to pass! I thought to myself. I can start packing my bags for sweet Deutschland and can get down to business soon enough. When do I leave?
Well, it turns out the orders weren't for Germany but were for KOREA. Yes, the same Korea that I have been trapped in for the past 12 months. "FUCK!" I thought to myself. "This wasn't supposed to happen!!!" Well just as the Lord works in mysterious ways, so does the Man Downstairs. I was ready to cancel the assignment back to Kunsan when something told me to chill out for a moment and to think things through.
"Kunsan is a shit hole assignment. It's a festering boil on the ass-end of the world. Getting people to go there and leave their loved ones for a year is a real chore for the Assignments people. Maybe I can work something out with this Easter egg to my advantage."
So I decided to keep the assignment and haggle with my Functional Manager for a guaranteed follow-on to Germany once I left Korea once and for all. She said she would do what she could and gave me the names of some contacts to explain why it is my name should go to the top of list above everyone else that has been pushing for orders over there. Sure enough, before leaving Japan, I had it in writing that my base after Kunsan would be where I wanted to go.
Remembering that I had made a wish on the Daruma Doll, I now realized I needed to wait for these actions to come to pass before I could color in the other eye. It was going to be a long wait but well worth the patience invested. For well over a year and a half now, it has sat undisturbed in my room, and tonight I completed the other eye since I finally have hard copy of orders in hand.

Because of the fire codes in the barracks, my make-shift altar has been very modest to say the least and have not done any workings for my time over here. I knew before leaving Misawa that I wouldn't need to resort to such activities, however to keep any such resources on reserve since you never know what might go down. Thankfully my hunch has paid off once again, and I haven't had to return to the basics since I've kept my head down low and off people's radar. This will most likely change upon arrival at my next station and I am aware of this aspect of my life returning and completely comfortable with such a return.

So, in honor of paying tribute to the blessings I have recieved, tonight's ritual was done minus lighting the candles. In order to make it official though, I now need to burn the Daruma Doll as mentioned on the website linked above. While I don't know any Satanic Priests, I have always considered myself to be a Heirophant of sorts in the absence of such people and will perform my own private ceremony in the manner I see fit to compensate. I will bring the Daruma Doll with me back to Japan next month when I visit one last and perhaps final time in order to complete the cycle of events that has taken place. My karma will cycle forward as intended, and I will finally be able to satisfy an obligation made long ago.
Better late than never.
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