Friday, June 03, 2005

Zero Tolerance Part 2

Today we had a SAFE briefing where we were counseled on how we're all being viewed as potential date rape perpetrators and sexual predators under the new zero tolerance policy. Long story made short, if you're a guy in the military and you fuck a girl even with her consent and there is alcohol involved on either your part or hers, then you're automatically guilty of rape. That's the bottom line.

They drove this point home by separating the men and women into separate offices to give the same briefing. Why? Is it because they're afraid we won't know how to behave? So all of a sudden we're no longer responsible adults. We're 10 years old again, in the 5th grade and attending Sex Ed class? We're living in Saudi Arabia and Muslim standards apply? What the Hell? This would be the perfect environment to clear up alot of misunderstandings men and women have in a civilized forum without fear of repercussion. So much for equality.

A real man will not take advantage of a woman, plain and simple. I've said it before here and I will repeat it once more. In that same vein, a real man will not put himself in a situation where he is not in control of his abilities, even if he has been drinking. He will know when he's had enough and when to let one of his more sober buddies do the thinking for him if he's that gone. There are plenty of times where I've been shit-faced and have had women tell me to stop while we've been in the middle of something, and have done so right then and there. Yeah it sucks, but I don't believe in date-rape. Even as gone as I was, I still knew right from wrong and can guarantee you the majority of people out there can distinguish the two as well. Whether they give a shit or not is what is really the issue.

A sexual predator does not need alcohol to take advantage of his victim and this new zero tolerance attitude towards drinking and having sex doesn't explain that. There is a huge difference between some horny guy out having fun and some fucked-up deviant trying to slip roofies into your drink when you're not looking. Instead, the point is hammered home not to drink and fuck --OR ELSE--. This is going to scare off alot of people into pursuing normal, healthy relationships with people they meet, out of fear they will be labled as being a perpetrator. All this shit is going to build up and do fucked-up things to their mind which may or may not manifest itself in ways that are just as unhealthy, creating more if not bigger problems.

"A man that won't fuck, won't fight" to quote General Patton. If the military took a more common-sense approach to dealing with these cases, then perhaps people would be more accountable for their actions when domestic disputes pop up. Still hold them accountable for behaving like men and women, instead of children incapable of such capacity. If they both fuck up then they're both to blame - it's that simple. Not just one or the other. If it were me I would empower judges that can tell the difference between bullshit alibis versus a mistake made on behalf of both parties. Throw the fucking case out and send them to guidance counseling or something in order to develop better decision-making skills. In turn, throw the assholes truly deserving of prison beatings and ass-rapings in jail where they belong, where then they might learn to appreciate the meaning of the phrase "no" means "no". Worse case scenario, chop their balls off to teach them a lesson and then be done with it. Let the rest of us law-abiding people go about our daily business, please.

Enough's enough already.


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