Trekkie chick

Wow. I don't know what to make outta her.
Yah, I know I touched briefly on Trekkie chick last night, but I wonder what the hell she's doing in some of these photos! Like what the fuck is that in her hair? Or izzit something behind her that looks like it's attached to her head? Who the fuck knows.
Anycase, because I'm the kind of person that just can't leave well enough alone at times, I figure I HAD to make contact with her and see what it is that makes her tick. For starters, look at how she describes herself:
"I am a very direct business womyn. I work a lot and I don't have the time to go out with someone who doesn't interest me. I am always open to having friends and talking on the phone if someone is funny. I love tatoos and piercings on a guy, but I am too much of a whimp to get them on me."
So what the fuck is a 'womyn'? Doesn't she mean "woman"? That was the first thing I asked her about her profile at Match.
"u are the first person since i have been on match to notice or say anything about the way i spell womyn. i am not an angry type feminist but i am a feminist that doesnt want the word man in my gender. oooops. i guess i sound angry. u can decide."
So lemme get this straight. You don't want anything remotely dealing with the male species, yet you're on a dating service looking for dudes to score with. Am I missing something here? I don't claim to be the smartest peanut in the turd, but something doesn't smell right with this one.
Still, not one to miss a beat, I asked her in return "So is it 'himpes' and not 'herpes' amongst you angry feminists?" to which I am still waiting a reply. I also said a few derogatory things about Gloria Steinem, Rosie O'Donnell and Hillary Clinton so we'll see how she reacts to that too. Chances are she'll either tell me to go fuck myself while she goes on a carpet munching binge or laugh it off and has learned to fight fire with fire. This should be interesting.
"I will not date a bible thumper!"
Now this quote is PRICELESS. Under her religious preference, she said this and despite the fact she already has two major strikes against her, perhaps not all is lost with this Space Cadet Femin-Nazi. Just as Luke Skywalker tried turning dear old dad from the Dark Side of the Force, perhaps Princess Leah here can learn to chill the fuck out when it comes to man-bashing. I've heard it all growing up, starting from my mother to the various girls I've dated or have worked with throughout the years. Very little phases me with their rhetoric, and find some of the banter to be quite amusing. But to bag on the Jesus-Freaks takes balls to admit, especially on such a PC-Christian Conservative dating service like Match. Perhaps there's more to this little gem than what meets the eye.
While I'm pretty hard up right now for a gorgeous piece of ass, I won't kiss any in hopes of getting some. The Machine just don't do that. I'll entertain the ladies but no way will I throw down my defenses or sell myself short. Above all things, be a man. Peter Steele said it best.

Still, she cleans up pretty good, no?
More as this develops - if at all.
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