Happy Birthday Brookie

Happy Birthday Brookie!
Brookie and Alan came down Friday night to celebrate her birthday. Her b-day wasn't until Saturday however she wanted to get an early start on the weekend festivities. They had come down to Kunsan for a bomb-loading competition between Kunsan, Osan, and the TDY guys from Holloman and figured they would go out to some old haunts they frequented back in 2002 as a means of reliving good times.
Since A-Town has been dead for the longest time, we all head over to a place called the "Zen Bar". I had no idea where the fuck this place was and relied upon their navigation skills to get the hell down there. It was pretty nice. I would include a picture, only the batteries on my camera finally died after continual use this past month. Pretty solid, eh?
The Zen Bar was pretty nice - kinda upscale but not in the posh, Beautiful People kind of way that I despise. We ended up drinking a ton of beer before heading out to another bar and then returning back to base for curfew. I wanted to stay out longer but if you break curfew then it's your ass on the line.
We went to the Community Center where we listened to some dude sing a Death Metal rendition of "Feelings" or what it sounded like - I was so hammered by then I really wasn't paying attention. Instead I ordered a slice of pizza and then called it a night. I tried doing a few Drunk Dials but nobody was picking up. They were pretty smart not to, considering I wasn't forming complete sentences at this point.
Come to think of it, if any of you are willing to tolerate a drunk phone call from me, e-mail your digits to shortbusmafia@yahoo.com and put the title "Drunk Dial Me" as the caption - otherwise I will think it's junk mail and delete it. I will make it a point to phone you at no cost to you. The catch is because I am in Korea, what may be 5 pm to me might be 2am your time. Don't bitch and call me names if this happens!
Anycase, it was pretty chilled out overall. A few things were said and a few things done that I won't disclose but let's just say alcohol can make a madman out of us all. Good times!
I enjoyed my drunk dialed voice mail!
Ha I'll bet I had you scared for a moment that someone else had stolen your identity and was charging shit on E-Bay.
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