Hanzel Und Gretyl

Hanzel und Gretyl rock. And they rock hard! I first read about them in OutBurn Magazine and picked them up on a whim when I was in Hawaii last year.
They're a techno-metal band similar to KMFDM - they sing most of their songs in German with a smattering of English here and there. Songs like "Third Reich from the Sun" and "SS Death Star Super-Galactick" will have you out of your chair jamming maniacally a la air-guitar style or banging your head to the beat as you sit stuck in rush hour traffic.
I detect a slight hint of Lords of Acid and a dash of Rammstein in this lost 80's recipe for industrial music, mixed just right. Pre-heat your CD player to 325 degrees, let cook for 45 minutes or until lightly brown and cool 5 minutes before serving.
Great for Bar Mitzvahs, wedding anniversaries, high school graduations, First Communions and all snuff-film soundtracks.
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