Sunday, August 28, 2005

Countdown to Germany

Anycase, I also went to my bank to cut a check for some cash I plan on investing in VICEX. C.Adam, I swear you know how to call a good Mutual Fund when you see one! I spoke with my broker yesterday about the company and he was impressed with the fact that despite being around for only 3 years, that company has really fucking made some lee-way in the business world. I need to mail it out to my on-line investor and tell them what it is I want done with the shit. Fucking A. I'm getting the hell outta here come Monday so if any more drama happens between now and then I may or may not get around to posting it here. I'll be too busy packing the rest of my shit up to get mailed out. ---------EDIT---------- I forgot to mention that when I was at the post office today I saw a shit load of Christians getting arrested by the Santee Police Department for being a nuisance in the parking lot. They had their Jesus shirts on and were acting like complete assholes I suppose - otherwise the cop wouldn't be doing his thing. I stuck around for a little bit, hoping to see some nightstick action but they all took off before any real action could start. Had I been in the right frame of mind, I would've worn my Satan Shark t-shirt today and would go add to the mayhem. I suppose such wacky adventures will have to wait until I reach the Rhineland.... --------EDIT Part II------ The first part has been removed due to someone's inability to handle the truth and the ability to handle it as I have seen it. While I didn't go into great detail as to the events of yesterday's argument, that person feels as if their privacy has been trampled on and as a result I've respected the wishes to remove it entirely. I owe this explanation to you the viewer since you read this blog with intent. I've always said from the start that this blog is FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY however if certain people have difficulty distinguishing the two, then any furhter consequences of the truth and Life in general is purely coincidental and therefore out of my control.


Blogger Machine said...

Great. I have the fucking BLOG-BOTS attacking me now too!

Fucking buy a goddamned t-shirt if you're going to post an ad here!

One hand washes the other!

5:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

bet you didn't have a camera on you to take tons of pictures of the jesus freaks did you? :(

3:55 PM  

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