Day 4 of DC and the trip back home
Yesterday I pretty much chilled out in College Park. Calin got her Short Bus Mafia tee as promised, although she was in the process of moving so we didn't get the chance to hang out. A shame really - I was digging on her but I suppose that's just the way it goes. I watched some South Park at the Motel 8 I was staying at before calling it a night, and having to wake up at 3 am to catch my 6 am flight from BWI. Staying in the Motel 8 reminded me of the barracks at Kunsan. Noisy, cramped, and more bullshit than I care to deal with. There was no fridge in the room and the ice machine was broken. Not only that but people were noisy and getting on my fucking nerves. WTF. For $80 I get shitty service. Fuck if I do that again!
My flight this morning involved someone sitting behind me who was snoring while they were sleeping, only they sounded like a toilet bowl that was constantly flushing with their gurgling. There was a mother with 3 small children that would not sit still and be quiet for 2 seconds, similar to the mother with the 3 small children I encountered on the flight over. While this is common on most military flights (aka the Freedom Bird), it's unusual for a commercial carrier. I figure it's the summer which is why so many people are traveling.

The movie shown was "Million Dollar Baby". Hillary Swank is ugly, but I would still bang her 9 ways from Sunday if she gave me the chance.
Clint Eastwood needs to hang it up and call it quits as an actor. While I will always admire him from such films as "A Fistful of Dollars" and "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly", he just needs to bow out gracefully before having a seizure and shits his pants. Ironically enough, the older my dad gets, the more he bears a vague resemblance to Clint Eastwood as well.
I finished the Motley Crue book I mentioned earlier. If you think your life is a fucking train wreck, read this book and then see how your problems in life stack up against the bullshit these guys had to deal with, Mick Mars especially. While alot of it they brought upon themselves, there was a shit load more that just wound up on their doorstep unexpectedly. Buy the book and you'll see what I mean.
Flying still sucks, no matter what. Still, it beats walking and definitely beats driving. And yes, all male flight attendants are gay. Some flaming.
I have some photos and shit that I need to crop, resize and post before my trip can come to a close. I also need to comment about CDepot - a kick ass music store there in College Park that rivals Blue Meannie here in San Diego!
Over all I had a fucking blast while visiting and would gladly do it again if time and cash permit!
My flight this morning involved someone sitting behind me who was snoring while they were sleeping, only they sounded like a toilet bowl that was constantly flushing with their gurgling. There was a mother with 3 small children that would not sit still and be quiet for 2 seconds, similar to the mother with the 3 small children I encountered on the flight over. While this is common on most military flights (aka the Freedom Bird), it's unusual for a commercial carrier. I figure it's the summer which is why so many people are traveling.

The movie shown was "Million Dollar Baby". Hillary Swank is ugly, but I would still bang her 9 ways from Sunday if she gave me the chance.
Clint Eastwood needs to hang it up and call it quits as an actor. While I will always admire him from such films as "A Fistful of Dollars" and "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly", he just needs to bow out gracefully before having a seizure and shits his pants. Ironically enough, the older my dad gets, the more he bears a vague resemblance to Clint Eastwood as well.
I finished the Motley Crue book I mentioned earlier. If you think your life is a fucking train wreck, read this book and then see how your problems in life stack up against the bullshit these guys had to deal with, Mick Mars especially. While alot of it they brought upon themselves, there was a shit load more that just wound up on their doorstep unexpectedly. Buy the book and you'll see what I mean.
Flying still sucks, no matter what. Still, it beats walking and definitely beats driving. And yes, all male flight attendants are gay. Some flaming.
I have some photos and shit that I need to crop, resize and post before my trip can come to a close. I also need to comment about CDepot - a kick ass music store there in College Park that rivals Blue Meannie here in San Diego!
Over all I had a fucking blast while visiting and would gladly do it again if time and cash permit!
sounds like you had a really awesome time on your trip!!!! good to hear how happy you are now, in comparisson to when we last saw you here....
Thanks Brookie.
Yeah Korea sucked royal ass and I won't pretend like I enjoyed the place now that I'm gone. Too bad you couldn't be around to party!
Glad you made it home safe and sound!
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