Reel Big Fish

I went to go see Reel Big Fish today at the House of Blues in San Diego, and had a kick-ass time. I drug my sister out there originally as a means of thanking her for all the times she's taken me out to her theatrical productions the Old Globe does here in town, even though I find Shakespeare to be a tad outdated for my liking, and while I can appreciate the dialogue, it's something I wouldn't want to take someone on a first date. She didn't want to go and it became more increasingly evident as the evening passed by the sullen look on her face, and when she started acting like a bitch and wanted to go home, I knew it was time to go. So I took her back. Pissed me off too since I had found a really cool place to chill out for the show and didn't want to leave but whatever. I didn't want to listen to her bitch and whine the next 3 days as to how shitty the show was.
On the way back home we get into this huge conversation about how much of an asshole I am because I am assertive with her and tell her to do shit from time to time, as well as my total lack of regard for people who give me static or who are overall careless in their daily actions. I told her that's what assholes usually do and figured it's just her being tempermental as always and didn't give it much attention until she starts LAUGHING half-way through the conversation. Holy shit. I'm a comedian and didn't even know it. Whatever. I figure I'd just let her get it out of her system and then high-tail it back to the show. I was pissed I had to pay for parking twice now.
What started as hearing them on 91-X in 1997 and picking up their CD at the Osan Bx on a whim has lead to an all out appreciation for what it is they do. I was home on leave and heard the song "Sell Out" originally on the radio and thought it was catchy at the time but didn't think much about it until I was in Korea again and was looking for something new to listen to. They proved to be pretty good, and they've always been one of those bands I've kept on the back-burner as music is concerned, but enough of that.
Anycase I made it back to the show and my original spot had been taken by now. Some annoying Australian guys were there making asses of themselves while scoring with this one chick who looked starved for attention. This one limey Aussy thought he was gonna pick her up and bang the hell outta her, although that wasn't the vibe I was reading from her. I could be completely wrong but who knows. Speaking of attention-starved, some jack-ass dressed up like a hot dog in a bun and was crowd surfing too. Anything for attention.
The bands that were there sucked. Some whiny Emo/Nu-Metal bands known as Zolof the Rock n Roll Destroyer, Punch-line, El Pus, and Catch-22 were all just time fillers in my opinion, and a waste of the $14 I paid to get in. El Pus is a black band from Georgia that played rap one song and punk the next, and wasn't too impressed with them to begin with. I think they were aiming for a Fishbone/Jay Z blend but it all sounded like shit to me. I think their name is supposed to be "HELP US" as in "Help us get some talent, please!" or perhaps a play on words such as "Elvis" but who knows. They sucked bad.
RBF was the only band worth the time and money, and when they finally came on stage, people went nuts. Ironically enough while waiting for Reel Big Fish to play, I stood next to a REEL BIG BITCH. This chick was hella huge and was dancing around to the music and shoved me practically against the wall I was standing next to. She was there with her loser friends and think she was scoping me out on occasion although with her cock-blocking friends around I wasn't about to chat her up. Like I've said before, I'll nail a fat chick as quick as I will a thin chick, it's all good to me.
Some blonde hottie in front of me threw her bra out into the audience, and it managed to land on Aaron the lead singer's head. She got kicked out by security but came back anyways to party some more. The band was fucking around with the bra on stage for the rest of the evening and if they saw how hot this chick was that threw it up there, chances are they'd invite her back stage or something afterwards. Some asshole also threw up on stage what appeared to be some nasty boxer shorts at first, but upon closer inspection was a doo-rag with the American flag all over it. Aaron tied it on the trombone player's arm at first and then later tied it around the mike like something Steve Tyler of Aerosmith would do.
They played just about every cool song I liked to include "Ban the Tube Top" although "Dateless Losers" wasn't played. Still it's good enough anyways. I was surprised how much energy they had for playing over an hour and a half, only to play an encore performance as well. While I wouldn't categorize Reel Big Fish in the same ball park as Black Label Society in regards to having fun at a concert, overall they weren't too bad. Of course you're talking apples and oranges between the two but as many concerts as I've been to, I've learned the most important thing regardless of the music that's played is whether or not you're enjoying yourself since it's your cash that pays their bills.

When I think of Reel Big Fish I think of how closely their songs mirror my Life. Especially the "Dateless Losers" song!
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