Destroy All Humans

I started playing this game yesterday and absolutely love it. Similar to War of the Worlds, your objective is to kill the entire population of Earth and make it ready for alien domination. The race of aliens known as the Furons wiped out the Martians thousands of years ago, when they discovered Earth and decided to use it as a port for their soldiers to blow off steam with the human population.
You're known as Crypto-136 and you're a clone of your predecessor who was shot down by an experimental Army rocket launch, and now it's your task to go retrieve him and the saucer that was accidentaly lost. You start out in a corn field trying to communicate with a herd of cattle, only you take their brainless remarks as insults and instead hurl them using Psycho-Kinesis. This prompts the farmer to come out with his shot-gun and take pot-shots at you, prompting you to zap the fucker with your ray-gun. Not only are you armed with a ray-gun, but you also have an Anal-Probe gun that causes people to shit their pants as they run in terror, and then seconds later their heads explode and their brains pop out on the ground. You have the ability to collect the brains since there's an ancient strand of alien DNA inside each human that your race needs in order to regenerate itself with, and the more brain stems you pick up the better.
The funnest part is being able to cruise around in your flying saucer and obliterate houses and buildings alike. The cops get pissed and the Army comes out with tanks and Anti-Aircraft guns a-blazing but they can easily be avoided. If you get tired of using the saucer's death ray, you also have an abduction beam you can use to pick people and equipment with. I was bored and crashed a few mutant cows into the sides of buildings, as well as some tanks into the river. What sucks is they still continue shooting even though they're under 10 feet of water. Wonder how that works.
This game is littered with plenty of B-Movie references from the 1950's and feels like a space-age version of Grand Theft Auto. You can easily upgrade your ray-gun as well as your saucer and pick up bonus DNA points from alien sentry probes that are hidden around the area. Ultimately your little alien guy attacks Washington DC and from there goes to Area 51, although it's known as "Area 42" in the game. The developers at THQ Studios and Pandemic have a hot little gem on their hands in my opinion. This one is definitely one of the pick-up titles for this summer.
Okay sweetie, don't spend too much on the video games :)
Nah. I just got lost getting directions to Uranus.
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