DC Visit Day 2 & 3
These past 2 days have been awesome.

CrazyGirl and JoeTheFat have been a fucking blast to party with! They are truly rock stars of the internet. If they appear to be cool from their websites, they're actually 10 times cooler in real life. Thursday night we went out to some upscale Yuppie bar and grill here in Alexandria - not really my style but I was cool with it none the less. Alot of business types that are concerned with their fucking 401k and whatever the fuck else it is that corporate people concern themselves with - I really don't know their world and won't even try to pretend to blend in with the assholes. I figure just my presence alone would determine whether or not people would take interest in me or not.

For the most part, everyone was bald, fat and in their 40's with the exception of the 3 of us - me being the oldest. Joe wanted to get fucking trashed and called me a pussy when I told him I wanted to chill and save my alcohol-induced mayhem for Friday night. Whatever. We did a shot of some shit that tasted like fruit punch as I ate a cheeseburger. The best fucking cheeseburger I've had on the East Coast as a matter of fact. We're talking a Big Kahuna cheeseburger from Pulp Fiction, it was that good!

Two hot chicks in their early 40's sat next to us and started playing Scrabble of all things. Who the fuck plays Scrabble in a bar? Whatever. Joe being a man of action goes and hits on the hotties, only to get shot down and walks away pissed - my approach is more subtle and next thing I know, CrazyGirl and I are playing right along with them. They tell me to pick out 7 letters from the bag, and I shit thee not - the random 7 spell "UGOTASS" in perfect English. Now tell me the Man Downstairs wasn't sending me a message! Fucking Madness.
Joe being a fucking warrior and not one to give up easy, sees these two other chicks sitting off in the distance and decides to go chat them up - turns out they're both lesbians and the butch out of the two didn't like his advances. Now I've seen some pretty scary dykes in my time, but even I have to admit that she looked like she could fucking lay down a bruising and then some!

(Captain Chainsaw and friend, not to be confused with the two lesbians Joe was conversing with)
We played Texas Hold'em and I decided to call Captain Chainsaw from My Space - turns out she's in the same area ironically and wanted to party, but due to circumstances had to leave the next day and couldn't. Eh. That's the way it goes. We end up going back home where I start drinking some Jack and Coke, and decide to give Megan a drunk dial. I got her voice mail and told her to get the fuck down here already - and from the response I've garnered I'm glad to see I pissed her off! Finally! Some progress!
Friday was more of a chill day. It started raining like crazy which really sucked. The plan was to go up to Baltimore and do the Hard Rock Cafe and chill out with friends I know from nearby Andrews AFB - only CrazyGirl's car starts acting up and she needs a ride. Not a prob. I'm more than happy to help. We take care of business and then we're off to Baltimore. That's when Calin called me and wanted to tag along. Awesome! Dude, Calin looks hot in her photos but looks even better in person. I was really digging on her but I got the vibe she wasn't into me. I get that from alot of chicks usually so it's no big deal.
Like a fucking retard, I forgot my camera and CrazyGirl was wearing her ShortBusMafia t-shirt. And like a bigger fuck-tard, I didn't have the shirt I promised Calin. It was back in my backpack. I wanted to snap some really cool pix of them and me but I fucking blew it. The Hard Rock Cafe in Baltimore kicks ass too! It's huge and has alot of shit on the wall I liked, especially a guitar played by Angus Young from AC/DC as well as a White Zombie rock poster. The place kicked ass. We had to get back early after eating since Calin had to be somewhere so we dropped her off. Traffic was a royal bitch but we got her home in time. I'm hoping to hang out with her today if she's willing to spare the time, so we'll see.
Last night I ended up polishing off the rest of the Jack I had as well as most of the bottle of JaegerMeister I had. We go play Texas Hold'em again with a different crew and I was in chill mode. I ended up Drunk Dialing my friend Courtney whom I know from Korea, as well as Jenn of NeverEnough notoriety. I was talking some nonsensical bullshit so if I sounded like some jack-ass then that's the reason why. I ended up crashing at the party before going home.
Today I'm just chilling out and will get a hotel room in College Park. My flight leaves at 6am tomorrow and fuck if I'm gonna lose an hour in driving from Alexandria to BWI. College Park is closer and I won't be as rushed to return the rental car and go through the check-in process. I figure I'll get some munchies for the flight and fuck around Waldorf area perhaps. Anything goes. The weather is good so I should be able to enjoy my last day here. Over all it's been a kick-ass trip.

CrazyGirl and JoeTheFat have been a fucking blast to party with! They are truly rock stars of the internet. If they appear to be cool from their websites, they're actually 10 times cooler in real life. Thursday night we went out to some upscale Yuppie bar and grill here in Alexandria - not really my style but I was cool with it none the less. Alot of business types that are concerned with their fucking 401k and whatever the fuck else it is that corporate people concern themselves with - I really don't know their world and won't even try to pretend to blend in with the assholes. I figure just my presence alone would determine whether or not people would take interest in me or not.

For the most part, everyone was bald, fat and in their 40's with the exception of the 3 of us - me being the oldest. Joe wanted to get fucking trashed and called me a pussy when I told him I wanted to chill and save my alcohol-induced mayhem for Friday night. Whatever. We did a shot of some shit that tasted like fruit punch as I ate a cheeseburger. The best fucking cheeseburger I've had on the East Coast as a matter of fact. We're talking a Big Kahuna cheeseburger from Pulp Fiction, it was that good!

Two hot chicks in their early 40's sat next to us and started playing Scrabble of all things. Who the fuck plays Scrabble in a bar? Whatever. Joe being a man of action goes and hits on the hotties, only to get shot down and walks away pissed - my approach is more subtle and next thing I know, CrazyGirl and I are playing right along with them. They tell me to pick out 7 letters from the bag, and I shit thee not - the random 7 spell "UGOTASS" in perfect English. Now tell me the Man Downstairs wasn't sending me a message! Fucking Madness.
Joe being a fucking warrior and not one to give up easy, sees these two other chicks sitting off in the distance and decides to go chat them up - turns out they're both lesbians and the butch out of the two didn't like his advances. Now I've seen some pretty scary dykes in my time, but even I have to admit that she looked like she could fucking lay down a bruising and then some!

(Captain Chainsaw and friend, not to be confused with the two lesbians Joe was conversing with)
We played Texas Hold'em and I decided to call Captain Chainsaw from My Space - turns out she's in the same area ironically and wanted to party, but due to circumstances had to leave the next day and couldn't. Eh. That's the way it goes. We end up going back home where I start drinking some Jack and Coke, and decide to give Megan a drunk dial. I got her voice mail and told her to get the fuck down here already - and from the response I've garnered I'm glad to see I pissed her off! Finally! Some progress!
Friday was more of a chill day. It started raining like crazy which really sucked. The plan was to go up to Baltimore and do the Hard Rock Cafe and chill out with friends I know from nearby Andrews AFB - only CrazyGirl's car starts acting up and she needs a ride. Not a prob. I'm more than happy to help. We take care of business and then we're off to Baltimore. That's when Calin called me and wanted to tag along. Awesome! Dude, Calin looks hot in her photos but looks even better in person. I was really digging on her but I got the vibe she wasn't into me. I get that from alot of chicks usually so it's no big deal.
Like a fucking retard, I forgot my camera and CrazyGirl was wearing her ShortBusMafia t-shirt. And like a bigger fuck-tard, I didn't have the shirt I promised Calin. It was back in my backpack. I wanted to snap some really cool pix of them and me but I fucking blew it. The Hard Rock Cafe in Baltimore kicks ass too! It's huge and has alot of shit on the wall I liked, especially a guitar played by Angus Young from AC/DC as well as a White Zombie rock poster. The place kicked ass. We had to get back early after eating since Calin had to be somewhere so we dropped her off. Traffic was a royal bitch but we got her home in time. I'm hoping to hang out with her today if she's willing to spare the time, so we'll see.
Last night I ended up polishing off the rest of the Jack I had as well as most of the bottle of JaegerMeister I had. We go play Texas Hold'em again with a different crew and I was in chill mode. I ended up Drunk Dialing my friend Courtney whom I know from Korea, as well as Jenn of NeverEnough notoriety. I was talking some nonsensical bullshit so if I sounded like some jack-ass then that's the reason why. I ended up crashing at the party before going home.
Today I'm just chilling out and will get a hotel room in College Park. My flight leaves at 6am tomorrow and fuck if I'm gonna lose an hour in driving from Alexandria to BWI. College Park is closer and I won't be as rushed to return the rental car and go through the check-in process. I figure I'll get some munchies for the flight and fuck around Waldorf area perhaps. Anything goes. The weather is good so I should be able to enjoy my last day here. Over all it's been a kick-ass trip.
I wasn't pissed. You just picked a stupid night to call. I didn't have my phone on!
Hey I don't complain when people call me at freak hours.
Then again, most people know better than to call me!
Now gimme your number already!
So glad we got to meet you! We had an awesome time!
You made perfect sense and I've thought a lot (too much) about everything you said. You're right and I'm going to work on it.
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