Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Shop Talk

I hate it when people talk shop outside of work. They sound like such fucking morons. Today I'm going to the Commissary after work to get some soda when I over hear these two ass-bags talking about some stupid bullshit regulation. I go inside, wade past the 500 pounds dependant wives and their goddamned screaming brats to get what I'm looking for, go to the check out line, pay the cashier only to find the same two fuck-wits still standing around talking bullshit shop talk. People who do this have no life outside of the military or their job. They think the company answer is the only answer and have to push their bullshit mentality on other people. Instead of talking about anything remotely interesting (read: controversial) they stay tucked away in their bullshit safety zones where they can pretend to be a big shot and feel all important and shit. Well here's news for all you cunt-flaps that think you're so important that your office will fall apart without you: YOU'RE NOT IMPORTANT. YOU SOUND LIKE A DOUCHE. KNOCK THE SHIT OFF. UNLESS YOU'RE A ROCK STAR OR A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE YOUR ASS CAN EASILY BE REPLACED AND SOMEDAY WILL. GET A LIFE OUTSIDE THE MILITARY. Considering that the military has become nothing more than a feel good socializer for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts out there it doesn't surprise me one bit we have these clones running around. When I get out of the service I will have nothing to do with these ass-bags and will stay far away from retirees and all the other dick-holes that sold their soul for the company answer for so long.


Blogger Crazy Girl City said...

Shop talk is great! What are you talking about? All the cool kids do it!

8:45 PM  

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