Thursday, April 13, 2006

End of the Week Random Shit

Goddammit. It seems all this week some asshole has decided to drop shit in my lap like 30 minutes to closing time. Mother fucker. Can't you tell me you need this shit done earlier in the day? Jeezus Fucking Christ! What the fuck is your problem dick-cheese? It doesn't matter who it is - either a friend or a co-worker or someone in supervision. I have one foot out the door and they wanna talk shop over something that isn't urgent or has a drop-dead suspense of tomorrow morning. I'm usually Johnny-on-the-Spot with shit and make sure my projects and deadlines are met on time. If for some reason there's something I've fucked up or need an extension on, I'm not one to wait until the last fucking minute to spring a surprise on people with. This is the end of the week for us. The Germans celebrate Good Friday and we get the benefit of having a down-day. From what I understand EVERYTHING is closed and the roads are hellacious - I made sure to stock up on munchies and brew and will play it cool this weekend. The Deutsch also get the Monday after Easter off as well - my German teacher was explaining this to me as well - what the significance is I really don't understand but it means alot to them. All I know is that my heathen ass doesn't get the day off either. Fuck. I'd love to have 4 days off to fuck around with. It turns out that some asshole vandalized the SPRING CHICKEN the other night. Fucking piss me off too! DORK came into work yesterday and showed everyone where some punk-ass bitch took silver spray paint and wrote "FUCK OFF" across the passenger side window and part of the windshield. He had to drive it to work yesterday and the gate guards looked at him funny. During lunch he got some paint thinner and wiped it all off good so all you see now is just a residual paint base. A shame too since I wanted to take a picture of it and post it here on the blog. Anycase it turns out he's going to set up a stake-out tonight to see if these little bitches will return to the scene of the crime and gloat. Fuckers. If I were him, I'd be waiting with a baseball bat while sipping Red Bull. I saw some fat dude today in the BX parking lot that looked like a 5 month ugly pregnant woman from a distance. Upon closer examination, I discovered he wasn't a woman and wasn't pregnant. People like this dude make the military look horrible, on top of everything else we do. Speaking of which..... I went to the local Volkswagen dealer today to get new tires for my car. Since the blow-out on Monday I've been meaning to do it sooner, only with school and the daily bullshit I have going on, today was the first time I could. Once again, the Europeans take the cake for customer service and I say this sarcastically - I had to special order 4 all-weather tires that will come in next Tuesday but I will not be able to get them mounted until the following week since that was the earliest opening they had. Summer tires were cheaper but that would mean I would also have to change them out for winter tires when the seasons changed. Essentially I would be paying twice the amount for two sets when the all-weather are cheaper in the long run. I didn't even bother trying with AAFES since I hate the monopoly they've built and refuse to give them money on any big item needs. I'd rather pay the Euro cost even if it's $100 or more for the principle that those parasites won't get my cash. While I expect shitty customer service and impossible waiting times from the Europeans, there is simply no excuse for an American company to behave the same way. Tonight is a full moon. You know what's gonna happen if you've read last night's blog entry. Anycase my mid-term is Wednesday and I need to focus this weekend on studying. I might make a drunk dial or two. Who knows. And who really cares? Side note: I forgot to mention I had the wonderful experience of dealing with a trailer park mom and her obnoxious 3 year old today. She gave him some Easter candy and the little shit became rambunctious from the sugar high and then wouldn't discipline him the entire time I spoke to her. I swear. People do this shit deliberately - they let their kids bounce off the walls and then expect others to deal with it and then they wonder why it is I have no children of my own when they ask. Like I really wanna deal with that crap! Anycase the icing on the cake was that she had a tongue ring, a shit load of piercings on both ears, and was 3 months pregnant. She looked so slutty it was turning me on and I had half the mind to ask her for a beej. The trashier the better I say! Bwa ha ha!


Blogger NeverEnough said...

I just got your drunk dial voicemail and I'll have to admit, it made me horny as hell! But then again they all have. Something about your voice... mmmm :)

12:52 AM  

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