Full Circle
If you've been paying any amount of attention to the bullshit and jack-assy hi-jinks that I've been spouting here at BlackRustedVan, you'll notice how last week there was a bunch of crap regarding my having to pull stand-by for yet another holiday weekend - the 4th of July. I worked the issue up my chain of command and pretty much left it at the level of my captain since I figure I would give the system a chance to fail.
Well, it didn't.
It compromised.
Turns out today my commander decides to come talk to ME (which usually doesn't happen) about last week's power scuffle and cut to the chase. She told me how she basically beat the answer outta someone (who she didn't specify) and told me my concern was perfectly legit and that she was going to talk to all parties involved.
Holy shit!
BUT, she told me that she would still keep me on schedule as a means of meeting both parties (me versus them) half-way. She did promise that in the future this bullshit wouldn't happen again and that it would be paid more closer to.
So this is where the other shoe drops - because usually alot of people just bitch and moan how fucking retarded everything is, she was impressed that I played my cards right and that I had my paperwork all lined up. She did say that next time I should go so far as to volunteer to revamp the schedule, that way it will appear more like I am bringing a solution to the problem instead of telling some inept superintendent to fix their own mistake. I guess that's the political side of the job. She told me that while yes it is manipulating people to do what you want, that it's not coming off as doing that. She was totally fucking blunt with me and I fucking loved it!
So I suppose that with this thing at a head and leadership (once again) being exposed for what they truly are, I've carved a name out again for being a trouble-maker despite the fact my commander said otherwise. I really have no worries considering Wonder Woman has fucked up so horribly these past 12 months she's looking to cross-train into another job all together. While I don't claim to be a leader of men, I do claim to take care of my subordinates providing they do right by me. I will always go up to bat for good people even if they're in the wrong and they've spilled their fucking guts to me about EVERYTHING. I will own up to my mistakes and do what's necessary to correct them - a concept it seems the military has difficulty with at times. I think people have more respect for that instead of some snake-in-the-grass motherfucker that will piss on their back and tell them it's raining outside.
Anycase I confided in my commander that her and my immediate supervisor were the only two people I respect in the chain of command - it shocked the shit outta her to hear something so bold being delivered so bluntly but she knows that's just how I am. I am low enough on the food chain to where I can make statements like that and not do any real damage to people's egos and shit. Besides all those other assholes were out of ear shot and I figured if my commander was going to be on the level with me, she deserves the honest truth from The Machine and to sugar-coat it would be an insult. She took in what I had to say and then pressed on. Working with people like her in leadership really inspire me to do better on the job. A simple concept but very effective.
So, in the end I didn't win but I didn't exactly lose either. What does matter is that I stood my ground and I gained respect for it by top leadership. I refuse to back down but also know when not to push my luck either. Most importantly I believe that I can address issues again in the future if they arise and it will eventually get to the top regardless. I just need to keep my nose clean and not shit where I eat or live.
I think people like me are a dying breed. We have so many "indoctrinated" NCOs these days it makes what I do that more difficult. I just hope something happens soon where this madness does a 180.
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