Wednesday, March 29, 2006

More Wonder Woman

Well the bullshit didn't end yesterday. Today I am told that I am going to keep my original stand-by plans and tough-titty for the kitty. According to Wonder Woman she's not going to give anyone consideration when making the schedule out, simply because she's more concerned with making the dates fit. This is complete horse shit because when I was in Korea, I had to make the stand-by schedule and I made certain I paid attention to who worked a holiday or a 3-day weekend. If for some reason I fucked up and made a mistake, I admitted it was my fault and corrected the sitch right away. Well it turns out she fucked over two other people - females - so it's not like I can claim sexual harassment or anything. The first female planned leave time out months in advance since her folks were coming to visit in Germany during the holiday season timeframe, and Wonder Woman still stuck her on-call. When this was brought to her attention, she pulled the same bullshit stunt saying it wasn't her responsibility to correct it. The second person has two holidays/3-day weekends similar to me, only she doesn't have the spine or the mental capacity to speak up about this from what I can gather. Well I've been fucked over too many times by previous superintendents and my time in Korea has taught me to push back, but to do so smartly. I need to get my ducks in a row first before I elevate this. Get my documentation straight and confirm what's been said and done. If she's gone so far as to fuck 3 people over without so much a care in the world, whose to say she won't continue doing it? Yes, it's true I hate my co-workers and love to see them suffer, but when the shit includes me too, that's when I have to take care of myself, even if it means doing something good for those asswads in the process. So the message I've recieved from all of this so far is that it doesn't matter whether or not I'm Johnny-on-the-Spot with shit and have never busted a suspense for her - she'll still walk over me anyways. Had she simply acknowledged the mistake and made amends, it would'nt get elevated and become yet another stain on her record. Believe me kids, she's been scrutinized by top leadership already and this is going to be yet another hash mark. She had her chance but she blew it.


Blogger Machine said...


Unless the enemy of your enemy is also your enemy.

7:37 PM  

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