Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wonder Woman

I've mentioned my superintendent here a time or two before but today she did some shit that really pissed me off. Bad. As you recall, I was on stand-by over St. Patrick's Day weekend. No booze. No fun. And I even got called in to work which justifies my being sober. I figure it's not a problem since we all gotta pay our dues every now and then and having to work a 3 day weekend is no big deal - providing everyone takes their turn. Well that didn't happen. Today Wonder Woman (as I refer to her because I wonder how in the hell she got to her position of leadership) passed out the stand-by schedule for the next 3 months and my retarded ass was on duty for the 4th of July weekend. So, I went to talk to her directly about this, asking if this was an oversight on her part. It was, but she said she wasn't too concerned since according to her "I don't really drink all that much". I told her that I should still have that option and it's not cool to stick someone on a double like that when there are plenty of people in the shop who have never pulled a stand-by on a holiday before. She used some bullshit excuse saying it wasn't her responsibility to find me a replacement, and that St. Patrick's Day isn't considered a holiday. I gave her a dead-pan look as if "oh, so you don't consider the Irish to be a recognized ethnic group" and cut myself short of telling her to go fuck off. Instead I said that since we have a bunch of new people coming to Germany that one of them should ante up and pay their dues by taking the weekend duty instead. "Well that's not going to happen. It wouldn't be FAIR to them. They wouldn't have enough time to get settled in" she concluded. "Just deal with it". Motherfucker. I was here not even a month and a half before I had my first standby duty. I was back up (secondary) but still my ass didn't know Ramstein from a hole in the ground and already they tagged me with that responsibility. Talk about double-standards. What ultimately pisses me off is how every little goddamned thing Wonder Woman has asked me to do, I've always done it and have never busted a suspsense. My word has been money in the bank and my actions have backed it up time and again. If this is the way she's going to repay my efforts then FUCK HER and the horse she rode in on. I am reluctant to cast stones at people above me. I know what it's like to lead subordinates and to have a thankless job. But every time I've had a good troop go above and beyond I've always rewarded them one way or another, and I've always shown consideration when they've requested something I could help them with. Apparently she's forgotten (or just plain doesn't care) how her people view her, as it's obvious in her actions. Next time Wonder Woman wants me to do something for her, I'll simply tell her I'm too busy and that she will have to find someone else to do it. After all it's not my responsibility to find a replacement.


Blogger Megan said...

You need to find a new nickname for her for two reasons:

a) the fact that she's a woman shouldn't even be a part of this, you sexist pig.


b) As a WW fan, I am offended.


9:37 PM  
Blogger Manic The Doodler said...

When I think "Wonder Woman", I think Linda Carter in that tight, patriotic outfit...

11:45 PM  
Blogger Crazy Girl City said...

Ha. I was just coming to say that Megan likes WW. I can't even remember what we picked out, but I was with Lesley and Diandra, I believe, and we got you(Megan) some kind of WW thing. A lunch box maybe?

7:57 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

Yep! It's on my WW shelf. Mwah!

8:35 PM  
Blogger Machine said...

a) This is my blog therefore this is MY short bus, NOT yours.


b) I don't care.

BMD - Believe me amigo, she looks NOTHING like Linda Carter. Just the opposite in fact.

C.Adam - It's not harassment since she's done this to two other people (females) and they took it laying down. I'm seriously considering taking this shit up the chain.

8:46 PM  

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