Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Well it turns out that Uncle Sam is aware of this blog I maintain. My dear sweet Ruckus tried to access it from a government computer, but a warning message on the server popped up, saying it was blocked because it is considered to be "violent". I suppose the fact that I hate humanity with a passion (read: misanthrope) caught the attention of all the Dudley Doo-rights of the DoD and because I am not espousing anything racist in nature, they can't do a goddamned thing about it whatsoever, aside from popping this blog into their filter. Ha ha! Listen kids, I present the honest truth as I know it. I don't cut corners or sugar-coat the bullshit. You get the Machine you deserve and I am blatantly unapologetic for being a prick up some asses. I do this not to shock and offend, but because people have become so complacent and dead to their environments, they need a wake up call to remind them that there is a world outside of their sheltered existance. I simply reflect the harsh realities we all experience as people. So if government agencies want to block me that's fine, but people will always find a way to read my shit. My low-brow humor and potty mouth refinement will always find an audience, even in the most unlikely of places. You can try to shut me up but it will only add more fuel to my fire. This past year in Korea especially convinced me of that and I am only just getting started. As for my military friends who can still access this blog from a government computer, you all should know better than to do this to begin with - don't be surprised if one day your Shirt or Commander comes down on you with some kinda bullshit reprimand paperwork on account of something I've written here. You've known from the start this thing isn't work-friendly so if I were you I'd quite while you're still ahead. Please do continue reading my jack-assy somantics and idiot hi-jinx but do so from public library or a home computer. I won't accept any responsibility if your stupid ass doesn't have enough common sense to realize this. And to my dear Ruckus - get back to the ROK safely! I miss you!


Blogger Machine said...

Thanks Moonbat - that totally rocks coming from you.

C.Adam yah know I think the exact same thing. The military exists simply to do one thing - KILL PEOPLE.

Dipshits like Bru can argue that we're a bunch of philantropists just because we do volunteer work at some stupid orphanage or help out with some kind of disaster relief effort, but that's nothing more than P.C. eyewash bullshit. We all know our job is to turn the enemy into hair, teeth and eyeballs and should make no apologies for it whatsoever. America is #1 because we know how to kick ass - not because we know how to mope around like a bunch of spineless fucks. "Violence does solve things", to paraphrase Michael Savage.

6:29 AM  
Blogger Ruckus said...

i wasn't even able to access some of my previous posts due to violence or sexual content...go figure:)

10:36 AM  

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