The Next Step
I went to enroll in the next German class today and found out my teacher gave me a "B" for my German 112 class. Fucking sweet. Frankly I think she was being very generous with her grading scale however I'm not going to fucking make an issue out of it and gracefully accepted what has been given.
I'm fucking pissed they don't have a class available I need for my Bachelor's degree for this semester and am thinking about taking another elective course instead - ACTING. I figure why the hell not? I've been wanting to make cheesey B-Movies for quite some time now and what better way to learn the ropes than by starting at square one? I will have to see when the class meets and if it's a "go" then I'll enroll and see where it takes me. Besides, most drama sluts are easy to bang from what I hear. Even though chances are I won't score any trim I wanna put that theory to the test. My sister works in a theater guild and has all sorts of fucked-up stories she shares about these fucking therapy rejects. I figure why not add some of my own drama to boot? I'd really like to go to film school but chances are I'm too fucking old to do something like that anyways. Is there a age limit on that kinda shit? Who knows.
One thing I do wanna do is make a documentary about the military, similar to the same style Michael Moore uses. I'd interview everday people and ask them questions about shit the military makes them tolerate to one end or another. Primarily quality of life issues and the double-standards that plague the system, and any special stories they wanna share with the audience. I could easily do something like this for under $5000 easy, from start to finish and would just need the time to travel and what not.
Of course every staunch swinging-dick-pro-Republican-God-Bless-America-service member out there would call me "insubordinate" and "unpatriotic" for making such a film but the intent would be to educate the clueless masses as to how bureaucratic and shitty we get treated at times. Everyone loves a soldier when he's marching down main street in the welcome home parade, but rarely understand what he's had to go through so they can sleep soundly at night in their cozy beds. People always say "Support the Troops" and put those stupid yellow ribbons on the back of their SUVS and mini-vans but what are they really doing about it? Are they giving their senator or congressman grief about the fact the the military is getting cut yet again so we can afford some high-priced jet (read: F-22) we envisioned 15 years ago which is pork-barrel spending in my opinion, or the fact the National Guard has missed its recruiting quotas for 6 months and running? What about a pay raise? I'm talking a SUBSTANTIAL one. Not some crappy 2% or 3% annual that gets handed to us, only to be taken out with federal taxes, but some REAL CASH that would put us on par with most corporate jobs out there. After all if we're willing to throw away billions of unaccounted dollars on rebuilding the Iraqi infrastructure, why not give military families some decent housing too? The housing I saw when I was at Okinawa looked like Fred Flintstone projects or something. And this is how we treat our Marines.
Or the fact we still don't have any real decent equipment? Of course they don't. The public is happily ignorant to the internal workings of their government and really don't want to be bothered with it until someone is broken, bleeding or dying. Much like nobody gave two shits about FEMA until Hurricane Katrina hit, nobody gives a damn how the military is being cut down to its core until the next group of asshole terrorists are successful. I will be the mythological Prometheus and bring fire to the masses with this film, however it will all be a matter of timing. Right now the timing is bad due to many internal things going on, however within a few years when I get out, I will be able to make this thing without any fear of repercussion. Fuck if I'm gonna throw my career down the drain when I'm this close to getting promoted!
So really that's my main reason for taking the acting class. Get the goods, get schooled, and then do my homework before I start filming, and by that I mean getting my facts straight. Jacques Cousteau oddly enough once quoted "Attack Power with Wisdom" and if I want to be untouchable, need to do it right.
And perhaps score some drama department poon-tang!
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