Wednesday, March 08, 2006

German Final

Tonight I took my German final. I was seriously coughing and hacking up some way nasty shit. I've been sick since Monday night and have been fighting off this monster cold. I think I did really shitty since I couldn't concentrate, although I think my teacher is willing to cut me some slack. Hell knows she's done it plenty of times before. So long as I can get a "C" or better I can go to the next level of German - German 211 although that has yet to be seen. I finished BLACK sooner than it began. It's short but sweet and you can replay the same levels but with unlimited ammo, providing you unlock the minimum required secrets. What I really dug was the fact it lets you edit your own soundtrack. The very first one I made I entitled "Salvation01" out of tribute to a Fear Factory song. Originally I was going to use it for HALO only the douchebags at Bungie! don't have that feature installed. Why so few games for the X-Box don't accomodate for your own soundtrack I don't know but that was one of the strong selling points originally. Eh whatever. I'm still studying for rank despite the fact I feel like dog shit warmed over. Fuck if I don't get promoted this cycle on account of a lousy cold.


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