Fasching Parade at Mainz
Well they had the Fasching celebration in Mainz today - it turns out the REAL madness begins Monday when people will be off from work to celebrate - I found out that this is the watered-down family shit they do for the kids.
God fucking dammit. I was really looking forward to getting drunk and banging some ugly German chick or something.
Anycase I took some photos. They even have Germans from Uranus Your Anus.
There were some rowdy soccer hooligans supporting the Kaiserslautern Football Club (soccer) and cops were there to make sure that shit didn't get out of hand. Eh. They marched peacefully. It was boring. And some asshole handed me something written in German that I couldn't understand what it said. I started talking to him in German and when he found out I was American, abruptly ended the conversation right there. That and the fact that my Deutsch is still severely limited.
So the parade finally began. Look! There are the Star Trek German nerds! Fucking dorks. Everyone was shouting "Helau" which I guess is German for "Hello" or something. These assholes threw more confetti at people than Rip Taylor on one of this boring HBO specials.
Eh. These guys were after the fact. They showed up a little late and sounded like shit. No wonder.
I ended up getting lost trying to locate the Autobahn so I could get back home. Fucking assholes need to design their roads better. Too bad I have to work Monday or otherwise I'd love to see these drunk assholes make fools of themselves ~!

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