Thursday, March 09, 2006

Wiped Out

Holy shit. I was wiped out today. Whatever little flu-bug that I caught had me on my back for the majority of the day. I "woke up" around 9am just to roll back over and go to sleep. Feeling like complete dog shit, sweats and a general malaise that can only be compared to a heavy night of drinking. Holy fuck! I felt like dying and just getting it over with, but then around 5pm, I woke up completely refreshed. I still have a little bit of the bug tugging at me but I feel 10 times better for having slept it off. Of course it means I didn't do shit for studying today as intended, but that's why I have the weekend to make up for sick days like today. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. Usually I come down with the crud and then within a day or two I'm back to full health. I exercise all the time and make sure to eat healthy, plus I am always washing my hands before eating something, or just after using the restroom. Call it an OCD trait of mine. Crazy woman Sheehan is still supposed to come to Landstuhl unless that's been changed at the last minute. That's gonna happen this Saturday. I have half the mind to dress up like Shiek Yerbouti and go fuck with her. Heh.


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