Kein Deutsch?
My German teacher e-mailed me today saying that my German 211 class may not happen after all. See, we have 10 people so far that have enrolled in the course, and University of Maryland requires a minimum of 12 people or else they will cancel it. I think this is complete fucking horseshit since with 10 people, my teacher will be able to spend more time with us individually and work with those who need help (read: me). I busted my ass in the recent course to learn the material she was providing us and want to continue with the progress I've been making. It will royally suck donkey dick if the class does get nixed by Friday.
My other option is to actually start going to the local gasthaus and interact with the locals, although lately there's been alot of Anti-American sentiment made known in the village I live in - yes, fuck-tards are still spray painting all sorts of bullshit telling us to pack our bags and leave. The last thing I need is to get jumped by a bunch of drunk angry krauts over some bullshit I have nothing to do with. If anything I'm not one to shit where I eat.
So, we'll see about my German class and whether or not it goes through. Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise I couldn't buy the book yesterday when I tried since they didn't have any available at the campus bookstore? Who knows. Still, I'd love to study it at my leisure.
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