Friday, August 11, 2006

Air Travel

Ugh. So these asshole terrorists are at it once again. Trying to blow shit up. I was gonna bring RUCKUS a bottle of Eiswine from this region of Germany, only now I can't since TSA is going ape-shit over anything liquid now. Fucking piss me off. The way I see it the future of air travel will become more and more restrictive with each Muslim asshole out there trying shit. Let's face it kids - they're the whole reason why things have been way fucking crazy these last 5 years yet we're still holding up little old ladies and soccer moms from Kenosha Wisconsin for random searches as not to appear 'racist' on account of all these crybaby liberal pussies. Let me put my spin on shit here kids - I spent the better part of the past 10 years in and out of Asia - by choice - I love Japan, especially Tokyo. Between Japan and Korea I did a shitload of air travel and each time, my bags would get yanked for inspection by Customs & Immigration people. Mind you I had nothing contraband nor did I wear anything remotely controversial to warrant a search yet I always knew I was going to be delayed during my journeys. I would get pulled for the extra 'random' security pat-down frequently since I was the 'token' traveler. Never a fuss, I always complied because I understood the reasons behind it all. The douche-bag liberal pussies could easily say "oh they're just doing their job" yet I could use their same mentality and say they're doing RACIAL PROFILING for the simple fact I'm non-asian and American. Where are the civil rights groups coming to my defense? For me to even consider something so crazy is complete horseshit. Human rights groups and civil rights groups don't operate that way. I consider them to be bedfellows with these fucking nutjobs running around trying to blow shit up. If we just come straight out and say "look we're profiling everyone from the Middle East because the numbers don't lie, it's gonna be the way it's gonna be so deal with it. We're also pulling anyone who could be percieved as a threat based on appearance and body language so if your ass gets pulled out of the line, fucking deal with it and next time don't behave like such a douchebag." then I think expectations would be cut and dried. So this really cramps my style but it's to be expected every time something like this happens. I figure I'll get my shit yanked when I leave tomorrow at the airport as standard practice. I'll make it up to RUCKUS when I visit her later on this month. Sorry doll.


Blogger Ruckus said...

That's okay Machine...i appreciate the effort anyway...beers at randy's tiki bar:)

1:41 PM  

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