Christ Illusion

CHRIST ILLUSION, the new album from SLAYER
That's right. You read that right.
The new album sucks royal monkey ass and I am completely disappointed that one of the most revered bands I hold in all of rock music made some half-assed shitty album. Their last album - GOD HATES US ALL - was kick ass all the way, and was ironically released on 11 Sep 2001. No shit. They were pushing hard for a release date of 6 Jun 2006 (aka 6/6/06) but it didn't happen due to contractural problems with their distributor, and after hearing this steaming pile of shit I can see why - THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS wasn't going to sullen his good name and an infamous day of the century by having this stinker of an album coincide.
Even more, it's all about the hypocrisy of the Bible and what not - the typical Slayer formula - but I was expecting more of an outlash against these Muslim fundamentalists than just the same old song and dance routine. Tom Araya's lyrics are still excellent and Kerry King still kicks ass on guitar. Jeff Hanneman still plays like a maniac and Dave Lombardi kicks ass on the drums - it's just that you can tell they had NO FOCUS WHATSOEVER when making this album.
I was really disappointed when the new ROB ZOMBIE album tanked this year - fucking GARY GLITTER shit, but this is unacceptable, even by their standards. So, if any of the guys from Slayer happen to come across this blog, they owe me the $9 I paid at HOT TOPIC yesterday when I bought it on sale for half-price. Or at least the money for a 6 pack of beer and a calling card for drunk dialing purposes.
Ah, that WAS you that's been calling me.
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