Dude. I love
HALF.com - I can find all the old video games that I never picked up when they were first out on this place. Heh. Even some of the newer shit people have purchased can be bought here for less than the shelf price. For example, I love my PS2 even more and more for some weird reason than my
X-BOX or
X-BOX 360 - and I wanna get some of the more bizarre games from 2002 time frame - while places like
GAME STOP back in the States had a good share, they still don't have those rare gems which video game magazines sing praises about - games like
MAD MAESTRO. Even this one weird game called
MISTER MOSQUITO I've managed to locate on HALF - a game where you have to go suck blood outta someone in the room, usually when they're sleeping or sitting at a desk reading a newspaper or something. Way fucking weird by Western Civilization standards, however living in Japan for the brief time that I did, I can completely understand how it would be right up their alley.
Sad to say, the PS2 is nearing its self-life expectancy, especially with the PS3 looming around the corner. It's inevitable that sooner or later all great video game platforms come to an end, but it also means that a shitloada games get marked 50 - 75% off since nobody "wants" to play an "old" system anymore. Personally I think that companies like Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft should milk every last cent outta a system before they release something new, and then even provide healthy support to existing consoles since most people won't buy/can't afford one right off the bat. Of course it gives video game affecionados like myself countless games at cheap-ass prices - yet another reason not to leave the house.
I swear - once I leave the military that's all I'm gonna do nonstop. I'll just go to COSTCO and stock up on soda, nachos, pizza and beer. I'll let my hygiene go and resemble
THE SIMPSONS in no time.

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